Suzaku goes down off Yusuke's sneak attack, but remains unharmed. Again Yusuke charges, this time with more intensity, but Suzaku still blocks all of his attacks, however Yusuke manages to sneak in and nails a punch, and Suzaku loses possession of the flute. Yusuke rushes to the flute but Suzaku uses his teleportation and gets the flute back. Now he is definitely furious.
Botan and Keiko meanwhile continue to run from the possessed people that chases them, and they are forced to fight when cornered. On the other hand Kuwabara, Kurama and Hiei continue to fight off the zombies, but it seems like they are totally outnumbered as more and more of them continue to appear.. Kuwabara decides to use his spirit sword to jump up the entrance Yusuke went in earlier.. but fell short and smashes his face into the stone wall (ouch).. guess he didn't realize that there's an easier way by simply entering the main entrance from beneath as Hiei and Kurama did.. :)
Suzaku then uses another one of his tec
Malgré ses efforts, Yusuke a du mal à faire face aux multiples Suzaku. Alors que ce dernier s'apprête à en finir avec lui, Yusuke se souvient d'un élément de son passé.
Per quanto ci provi, Yusuke fatica a fronteggiare i tanti Suzaku. Mentre una delle bestie cerca di finirlo, il detective si ricorda qualcosa del suo passato.
(前半)怒りに霊気を高め反撃を開始した幽助に、朱雀はもう一つの奥義・暗黒妖籠陣により、七人に分裂した?同じ頃、螢子も殺人鬼達に追い詰められて絶体絶命のピンチを迎えていた。二人の運命はどうなる!?(後半) 押さえられ電撃を浴びせられる幽助。薄れゆく意識の中で幻海の所での修行が回想される。心を一つにすることへの集中。何より負けたくない一心。その修行の成果はここで途絶えるのか?そして、螢子は…?
Yusuke encara Suzaku, o líder da rebelião e último dos demônios a serem enfrentados. No momento em que a Leigan de Yusuke combate o Trovão das Trevas de Suzako, Botan e Keiko são perseguidas por humanos dominados por insetos monstros.
Suzaku cae por el ataque furtivo de Yusuke, pero permanece ileso. Nuevamente Yusuke carga, esta vez con más intensidad, pero Suzaku aún bloquea todos sus ataques, sin embargo Yusuke logra colarse y clava un puñetazo, y Suzaku pierde la posesión de la flauta. Yusuke se apresura a tocar la flauta, pero Suzaku usa su teletransportación y recupera la flauta.
Sembla que el Suzako domina els primers compassos de la lluita contra en Yusuke. Però tot combat té un secret: la concentració!
Wanhopig probeert Yusuke weerstand te bieden aan meerdere Suzaku's. Terwijl Suzaku klaarstaat voor de genadeslag, herinnert Yusuke zich iets uit zijn verleden.