Zuzu fordert ihren Widersacher Sylvio zum Duell auf. Doch dann taucht plötzlich ein Maskierter auf, der an Zuzus Stelle kämpfen will. Der mysteriöse Fremde besiegt seinen Gegner und lüftet am Ende sogar seine Maske. Zuzu versteht die Welt nicht mehr: Sie glaubt, Yuya zu erkennen, aber kann sie ihrer Wahrnehmung trauen?
While going out to fetch some ice-cream with Ayu, Yuzu overhears some LDS students talk about how Shingo is planning to take revenge against Yuya. Wanting to pay Yuya back for saving her, Yuzu follows them to Shingo's hideout, where she challenges Shingo to a duel. Before the duel can begin, however, a mysterious masked man appears, taking Yuzu's place in the duel. After the masked man sets five spell cards, Shingo summons out Mobius the Mega Monarch to destroy them, but the masked man activates the cards from the graveyard, using them as monsters on his field. After using one of them to defend himself, the masked man uses the remaining two to perform an Xyz Summon and summon Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon, using its Overlay effects to destroy Mobius, the effects of his attack proving real even outside of an Action Duel. After the masked man presses him about someone named Academia, Shingo tries to activate a trap against him but is thwarted and loses the duel. As the man removes his mask, revealing a face that looks identical to Yuya, Yuzu's bracelet mysteriously glows, during which time the man disappears. As Yuya arrives on the scene after being informed by Ayu, Yuzu wonders just who that man was.
Ancora scioccato dalla sconfitta subita, Sylvio cerca di ottenere qualche vendetta! Ma quando Zuzu interviene per fermare i suoi piani, un misterioso sconosciuto esce dall'ombra per mostrarle come fare!