Im Duell gegen Rex Goodwin ist nur noch Yusei von den Freunden übrig geblieben. Obwohl Yusei nur noch einen Lebenspunkt aufweisen kann, versucht er mit allen Mitteln das Duell für sich zu entscheiden.
Goodwin reduces Jack's life points to 1, and gets the King of the Netherworld to attack him, causing him to crash. Yusei's life points get reduced to 1 too, before he summons his Stardust Dragon and takes advantage of the traps Crow and Jack placed beforehand. As Yusei tries to reach Goodwin, which he successfully does, he regains the Signers' marks from him. Furthermore, Yusei gains Roman's mark of the Dragon Head, and the mark of the Tail that Yusei used to have transfers over to Crow.
Yusei then takes the marks of the other 4 Signers, and gains the Seal of the Crimson Dragon. Then, he summons the Majestic Star Dragon and destroys Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca, which defeats Goodwin. Then, the Crimson Dragon envelops the Majestic Star Dragon, infusing it with the power of the Crimson Dragon, and dives into the King of the Netherworld. Yusei then sees a vision where he and the Goodwin brothers are inside the King of the Netherworld, and he sees all of the Dark Signers lying unconscious, floating in mid-air. The moment before the King of the Netherworld is destroyed, Rex Goodwin tells Yusei that he was successful in reaching him, and tells him to take care of the other Dark Signers, as they will be sent back to Earth. The Goodwin brothers decide to sacrifice themselves, so that the other Dark Signers can be revived. The King of the Netherworld explodes, the Altar of the Dragon Star (Rex Goodwin's dueling platform) is dissolved, and the Geoglyph duel tracks disappear, which causes Jack and Crow to fall. However, the Crimson Dragon catches both of them, and repairs all of the damage done by the King of the Netherworld. Peace returns, and the Daedalus Bridge is finally finished, uniting both Satellite and New Domino City.
À cause de l'effet de "Wiraqocha Rasca", Jack est éliminé du duel. Maintenant, seul Yusei peut sauver le monde de Godwin et stopper le Roi du Monde Souterrain détruire Neo Domino City.
ゴドウィンはついに地縛神"ウィラコチャ•ラスカ"を召還し、地縛神と冥界の王は互いに呼応し合う。そんな中、ゴドウィンと遊星、ジャッ ク、クロウのバトルにアキと龍可が参戦し、さらに総力戦の様相を呈するデュエル。ゴドウィンは、ジャックに対し執拗に揺さぶりをかけ、苛烈な攻撃を仕掛ける。果たして、ジャックはこの攻撃に打ち勝つことができるのか?そして遊星たちの運命は・・・・・・!?