Yusei, Jack und Crow versuchen im Duell gegen Rex Goodwin einen Sieg zu erlangen. Doch schon nach kurzer Zeit beschließt der Erste von den Freunden das Duell zu verlassen. Yusei und Jack versuchen mit allen Mitteln den Sieg von Goodwin und somit seine Weltherrschaft zu verhindern. Jedoch stehen die Chancen für die zwei Freunde scheinbar schlecht.
After being dealt some direct damage due to the cooperative efforts of Yusei, Jack and Crow, Goodwin is able to summon his Earthbound Immortal - Wiraqocha Rasca, absorbing the souls of New Domino City. Then, the King of the Netherworld spouts forth several beasts that attempt to attack the players. However, they are saved by Black Rose Dragon and Ancient Fairy Dragon. Crow sacrifices himself by playing a trap card in order to protect Yusei from Wiraqocha Rasca's special ability, and falls unconscious. Goodwin coaxes Jack into attacking him, but after he gives in and loses some life points, Goodwin's statement of becoming a dark signer causes Jack to remember what Carly taught him and decides not to do things his old fashioned way anymore. Goodwin laughs at the idea of the bonds of true friendship and love, saying that destiny is all that there is.
Le duel dans les airs opposant Yusei, Jack et Crow à Godwin continue. Rex invoque son "Esprit de la Terre Immortel - Wiraqocha Rasca" et utilise son effet pour réduire les points de vie de Crow à 1. À cause de ses blessures graves, Crow est incapable de continuer le duel après être tombé de son Duel Runner.