Join us for an introduction to the yogic path and get a taste of the various forms of yoga that will be discussed in this series. Begin to understand the origin, evolution, key concepts, and the various traditions of yoga. Also, become acquainted to the sanskrit language and yogic scriptures that shape the yogic path and start seeing the beauty of the “union” that yoga represents. By the end of this episode, you will see how yoga is so much more than just spiritual gymnastics - it is a path to expanding consciousness and arriving at self-realization.
Hatha Yoga, typically referred to as the yoga of postures, uses the body as a tool to achieve spiritual liberation.Join us as we explore the history of Hatha Yoga, the forebearers of the practice Krishnamacharya and Swami Sivananda, and the Eight Limb philosophy that is central to this timeless practice. This episode also touches upon the evolution of Hatha Yoga into the form that we recognize today. As you delve into the richness of this practice, it is important to remember that while Hatha Yoga incorporates physical practices, yoga is something that is lived - not done.
The yogic tradition recognizes that everyone is unique and will walk the spiritual path in their own way. The Bhagavad Gita, a cornerstone text of the yogic tradition, emphasizes three major ways to explore and embody yoga: bhakti yoga, karma yoga, and jnana yoga, known as the paths of devotion. While there are many routes to take, they all seek the same goal: self-realization and unification with the infinite.
Join us as we explore one of the most influential, diverse, and misunderstood spiritual traditions: tantra. While most yogic traditions were built for people living an ascetic, renounced lifestyle, the tantric tradition was designed specifically for householders, people living fully in the material world.As you dive into this rich episode, you will make distinctions between traditional tantric practices and the sexual practices associated with today's Neo-Tantra interpretation, learn about the the use of mantras, yantras, and mudras, understand the importance and practice of pujas, and discover the ancient traditions and ceremonies of the yoginis that are all facets of the tantric path.
Raja Yoga has been called the “Resplendent Yoga of Spiritual Kings” and the “Royal Path.” The techniques taught through this practice focus largely on meditation, learning how to control the mind, to understand and recognize the mind for what it is so that we can become the ruler of our lives and the master of our own minds.Created from Patanjali’s eight-fold path, Raja Yoga focuses on the Yamas and Niyamas (moral code of conduct), Asana (postures), Pranayama (breathing techniques), Pratyhara (control of the senses), Dharana (focused concentration), Dhyana (meditation on the divine), and Samadhi (union with the Divine).
Dive into the traditions of Kundalini and Kriya Yoga, ancient yogic systems designed to access, activate, and redistribute energy in the body. We will take a look at the concept of kundalini as well as the 20th century syncretic practice of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, which combines kriya, yogic movement, dynamic breathing, Sikh practices, and chanting in order to raise one’s consciousness.Then explore the practice of Kriya Yoga: Lost for centuries, this sacred science was ushered into the West by Paramahansa Yogananda, author of the Autobiography of a Yogi and one of the greatest saints of modern India.
Take a deeper look at the ancient yogic technology of sound, known as Nada Yoga, and discover how through deep listening, we can harmonize with the vibration of the universe.The music and mantra technologies of Nada Yoga have been used since ancient times to expand consciousness and to heal body, mind, and spirit. In this state, it is believed that anything is possible.
Delve into the world of myth and mysticism in this episode of Yogic Paths. Myth is a way to communicate certain, subtle truths that cannot be understood through ordinary words. Through mythical stories, humans are capable of explaining deep truths, allowing others to access knowledge that expands the understanding of what is possible.As we begin to understand the symbolism behind the stories, images, and deities of yogic roots, we will see how they pervade every aspect of our lives. Practitioners of Jainism and Shaivism understand this connection as non-duality, an ability to experience the divine in every atom, and therefore enjoy a blissful existence, one that doesn’t end with death.
Siddhis, or yogic superpowers, are said to be cultivated through an exceptional mind and body connection, derived through meditation with specific intention. Powers such as telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance, the ability to heal, levitation, and flight are possible siddhis, although whether or not a yogi should strive to attain these powers is another story. In some traditions, striving for siddhis means that you will forego being spiritually realized in this lifetime, and ultimately distracted from enlightenment.So what’s the point of yoga? Why do we do the practices? What happens when humans practice yoga as a collective? Explore the final episode of Yogic Paths for answers from experts and masters of yoga.