„Komasan in der großen Stadt: Die Personenschleuse“ Komasans und Komajiros Wissen über die Stadt, wird auf die Probe gestellt, als sie auf ihre bisher größte Herausforderung treffen die grimmige Schleuse einer Bahnstation.
„Yo-kai Prassa“ Nathan, Bär und Freddy besuchen ein Einkaufszentrum, auf der Suche nach einem langerwarteten Videospiel, doch der verschwenderische Yo-kai Prassa hat andere Pläne.
„Yo-kai Nixda“ Der Yo-kai Nixda sucht Nathan heim, und bringt ihn dazu, alles abzulehnen, selbst die Einladung zu Katies Grillparty!
„Möter: Gesprengte (Hunde)Ketten“ Nachdem Möter einmal zu oft auf mysteriöse Art und Weise ausgebrochen ist, landet er in einem ausbruchssicheren Insel-Gefängnis.
Part 1: Komasan writes another letter to his mother about his and Komajiro's trip on the subway. Komajiro wishes to enter, but Komasan realizes that they need a ticket to get through the turnstyle as it can detect their presence. Komasan believes it will devour them, but Komajiro uses a passcard to enter the turnstyle safely, and Komasan tries to say that he has a passcard in him already. But when Komajiro runs off without him, Komasan gets knocked out by the turnstile.
Part 2: Keita, Kuma, and Kanchi head to the mall to buy comics, but Kuma suddenly is overcome with the desire to purchase a large tuna, spending all of his money. Likewise, Kanchi finds himself buying novelty drinking straws on sale, preventing either of them from returning their items. Keita calls on Whisper, as he believes a Yo-Kai is to blame, but Keita purchases something frivolous as well. They soon discover the Yo-Kai Mudazukai is to blame, a Yo-Kai that makes people waste their money on things. However, they are not fast enough to stop either Kuma or Kanchi from using the rest of their money on silly things. Keita confronts Mudazukai, but Mudazukai does not believe he has done anything wrong. Whisper discovers Mudazukai was born from the economic bubble, and Mudazukai only wants to make people happy by buying things. Keita tells him that people should instead become happy for buying what they want, instead of things that are silly, before going to the others and pooling their raffle tickets, and ultimately win the comic book they came to buy in the first place. Mudazukai realizes the error of his ways, and gives Keita his Yo-Kai Medal, before rushing back into the mall.
Part 3: Fumi invites her friends to a barbecue, and Keita wishes to go, and is happy when she invites him, but all he can say is "No", much to his shock, and even turns down his friends and his teacher's requests. He realizes a Yo-Kai is to blame, but Whisper is not sure, until he finds Murikabe. To try to combat Murikabe
Nate, Eddie e Bear cercano di comprare l'ultimo videogioco, ma lo Yo-kai Spenp ci mette lo zampino. / Komasan e Komajiro affrontano una grande sfida.
Komasan é impedido por uma catraca do metrô. Nate, Bernardo e Gabriel vão ao shopping para comprar um videogame para o qual estão economizando. Mais tarde, o Yo-kai Nananinanão faz Nate negar pedidos e favores a outras pessoas na escola. Sarnento está agora na prisão em Alcatraz.