Noise complaints are investigated and hostile tenants are encountered in the debut of the series following a professional evictor and his team as they remove troublesome residents from properties.
A housewife's dirty business is brought down; a bug infestation is discovered; noise complaints are investigated. Also: Todd and Rick encounter a hostile group of squatting bikers.
An undercover operation is staged to protect a property owner from a rent-skimming criminal. Also: Todd must confront his greatest fear while dealing with a noise complaint.
The team solves a South Central mystery and make a citizen's arrest; Todd makes a split second decision to extinguish a burning apartment; the team evicts professional squatters.
Todd & Co. look into a harassment claim and save a tenant from potential carbon monoxide poisoning. Rick uncovers decomposing bodies in a funeral home and Todd stares down the barrel of a squatter’s gun.
Todd drags Rick and Randye on a ghost hunt at a house where there's been a murder. A tenant on a bender digs in his heels at a Hollywood motel. The team discovers an immigrant kitchen that’s making guests deathly ill.
Todd & Rick look into reports of public indecency and bust a boyfriend with a twisted fetish. Todd & Co. are nearly run over by a runaway RV and Todd & Rick get tangled up with a roid raging bodybuilder.
The team confronts a tenant who sets off a fiery explosion. A scorned ex-wife saws everything in her apartment in half! The team saves an elderly tenant from a nasty manager who's trying to smoke her out.
The team catches a greedy daughter placing dibs on her dead father’s estate. An ex-con tries to blow up a boatful of smuggled explosives to avoid prison. The team busts an apartment full of street thieves.
Todd and Rick take a beating from an elderly tenant when they try to remove a dead tree. A photographer risks burning down a church for his shot. The team busts an S&M dungeon in a commercial airline pilot's apartment.
The team faces off against a tenant performing a ritual sacrifice. Randye gets tangled up with a Nevada tenant running an unauthorized brothel. A disgruntled business owner blows up his landlord’s car.
The team confronts a tenant running an illegal hotel in a morgue. A tenant creates an explosive situation by forming natural gas in his apartment. Todd and Rick meet an older lady making sex toys in her kitchen.
The team blocks a billionaire tenant from racing his modified cars on a private racetrack. Todd and Rick are electrocuted in a booby-trapped house and face off against an heiress with a collection of unauthorized dogs.
The team makes contact with a tenant who believes he’s a werewolf. Todd and Rick have a communication breakdown with a nearly nude family of Spanish tourists; and a squatter trying to make a clean getaway is cornered.