I was siege because Hughes was dropped Uni tteam It will be in a state of turmoil between each other.
Tamaki No. 2 aiming at Ikoma Corps / Minamizawa and Yuba Corps / Obishima is wary of Tonooka's sniper, and Chika Explosive bullet Meteora Without using Guided bullet HoundAim at. However, the aim of Tonooka, who is hiding her breath, aims at Chika.
On the other hand, Yuma encounters Minamizawa and Obishima, but Minamizawa falls due to an unexpected attack on Obishima, and the situation becomes severe without getting points for Tamaki No. 2 who needs "3 more points".
Meanwhile, Yuba approaches Ninomiya while running through the barrage that falls.
The B-rank battle ROUND 8, which is destined to never be defeated, is finally in the final stage!
Com Hyuse fora da batalha, Chika se sente abalada, mas seu companheiro dá algumas palavras de encorajamento para que ela continue dando apoio a seus amigos e assim definir o futuro de Tamakoma-2.
Com Hyuse fora da batalha, Chika se sente abalada, mas seu companheiro dá algumas palavras de encorajamento para que ela continue dando apoio a seus amigos e assim definir o futuro de Tamakoma-2.
El campo de batalla está salpicado por los enfrentamientos y Tamakoma-2 intenta aprovechar la situación para conseguir puntos, pero...
Das Kampfgeschehen ändert sich rasant und die einzelnen Kampfschauplätze verschieben sich ständig. Es kommt zu mehreren Kampfsituationen 1-gegen-1.
Hyuse éliminé, les équipes qui s'étaient liguées contre lui se retournent maintenant les unes contre les autres. Le combat fait rage et les agents tombent tour à tour, compliquant la tâche de la Tamakoma-2 qui doit impérativement marquer encore 3 points. Le dénouement du décisif 8e round des matchs de classe B approche…