Osamu, who faces the Katori corps, defeats Wakamura in a battle using the wire trigger "Spider", and also drops Miura in cooperation with Yuma who has rushed. By the two trainees, Tamaki's second run alone at once. Memories of the past are revived in the mind of Katori, who was forced into a difficult battle situation.
On the other hand, it seemed that Chika, who greeted Teruya, the only survivor of the Kakizaki Corps, had won, but Chika escaped urgently (ruby: bailout) in response to Teruya's tenacious counterattack. The whereabouts of the battle were left to Yuma and Osamu.
A batalha entre os Esquadrões Kakizaki, Katori e Tamakoma-2 segue intensa! Kuga, apesar de ter recebi um tiro a queima roupa, consegue dar um jeito de sobreviver, mas seu ferimento é gravíssimo. Enquanto isso, Mikumo continua lidando com Katori e seu grupo dentro da sua área de fios.
Tandis que Teruya se lance à l'assaut de Chika pour faire cesser ses tirs embusqués, Kakizaki reste seul face à Yûma… Quelle sera l'issue de leur face-à-face ?
El enfrentamiento entre equipos llega a su fin, y aunque Tamakoma parece tenerlo dominado, la persistencia de los dos capitanes rivales les puede dar bastantes problemas.
Osamu besiegt Wakamura im Kampf gegen Katoris Team mit dem Drahtseil-Trigger Spider. Zusammen mit Yūma schaltet er auch Miura aus, der ihm zu Hilfe eilte. Tamakoma-2 dominiert das Kampfgeschehen. Katori steckt in einer brenzligen Lage. Alte Erinnerungen kommen wieder hoch. Chika hingegen duelliert sich mit Teruya, die sich ihr von Deckung zu Deckung springend nähert.