Steve Halpern believes that through music we can experience a connection to our true self. Over years as a musician, he has learned how to create music that evokes a state of relaxation and healing.Halpern explains how, in a relaxation state, your body slows down and brings you to your natural state of being, how a conductor's energy is transmitted to a listener and that music is a carrier wave for emotion, often evoking an emotional response in the listener.See also: The Healing Power of Music – Part 2
Learn about the healing music of influential artist Steven Halpern, composer and producer of over fifty albums.Steven's music works at the vibrational level to attune your bodymind's resonance and nudge it back into it's natural healing frequency. His work is also used in collaboration with guided imagery; there is nothing better to facilitate a receptive, relaxed state than Steven's harmonious music.See also: The Healing Power of Music – Part 1
Dr. Jay Glaser of the Maharishi Medical Center, and Bill Turner, founder of Wisdom Media Group, discuss the treatment that Bill underwent in his battle with cancer.Bill included Ayurveda in his therapy to rid his body of cancer. Dr. Glaser also discusses human physiology and Vedic science.
How do you make a correct decision with insufficient information? Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz discusses how she uses medical intuition to help her patients.Dr. Schulz explains that the ability to listen to intuition is not limited to a select few, that everyone has their own, unique intuition. She explains how you can use your right brain and emotional imperfections to access the intuition that is already wired within you.
In his writing, psychic Edward Cayce argues that we all have the ability to access the power of our minds.In this interview, Dr. Henry Reed, author of Your Mind: Unlocking Your Hidden Powers, discusses Cayce's revelations about the hidden powers of the mind and shares his own research into dreams.
With host Carolyn Craft, Michael and Justine Toms, co-authors of True Work: The Sacred Dimension of Earning a Living, begin their discussion of finding your personal truth and passion and then bringing it into your work.When your work holds meaning and purpose, energy naturally comes to you. This process can be spiritually healing and fulfilling in ways you may not expect.See also: True Work – Part 2
With host Carolyn Craft, Michael and Justine Toms continue their discussion on the sacred dimension of earning a living.They discuss how to bring passion into the work you do and why people are dissatisfied with their work. More people are seeking meaning in what they do and feel a deep longing to bring their gifts to the world.True Work includes telling the truth to yourself and to others in a non-judgmental way so that spirit and intention are connected. When one fully gives themself to their own truth and follows their own spirit, the True Work really begins.See also: True Work – Part 1
How can you make decisions that are true to yourself and your destiny? According to Mark Thurston, executive director of the Edgar Cayce Foundation and the author of Synchronicity as Spiritual Guidance, using synchronicity for spiritual guidance means identifying and using meaningful coincidences.In this interview with Carolyn Craft, Mark offers his collection of personal tools and methods for navigating those times when all of life is working together to leave you little hints.
Bill Defoore explains the role of emotional intelligence in our personal and professional lives, and that a high emotional intelligence enables us to use our intellect more effectively.Defoore provides examples of behaviors that indicate a high emotional intelligence, such as facing a problem and considering it an opportunity to grow rather than pretend it isn’t there. He explains how to raise emotional intelligence, tapping into your full potential for personal and professional success.
With host Corinne Edwards, Justine and Michael Toms from New Dimensions Radio and Wisdom Radio discuss how they followed their passion to start New Dimensions Radio and what they have learned from the experience.What is the role of a spiritual or political leader? Following Thomas Jefferson’s idea that we should have a revolution of some kind every 20 years, Justine and Michael are concerned about what our government has become, and feel that we are long overdue for a re-evaluation.
Gabrielle Roth, author of Sweat Your Prayers, explores prayerful healing through rhythm and dance.As a spiritual practice, dancing synchronizes our biorhythms and circulates our energy, releasing negative thoughts, emotions and holding patterns. Breath is our life force, our primary catalyst for movement and change. When we resist our breath and movement, what shows up are the shadows in our energy field.Practice surrendering to the dance so deeply that the breath takes you over and begin to bring this aliveness into your life.
Dr. Northrup says that Western Medicine is an important way to maintain good health, but that it should be used along with positive affirmation and an emphasis on prevention.Conventional medical practice emphasizes screening rather than prevention, and speaks to the patient as though they are waiting for an inevitable disease. Dr. Northrup emphasizes emotional expression to cleanse the body, and sites research showing that people who carry emotional baggage are more prone to accidents.
What are the differences between religions and cultures around the world? Elda Hartley, film producer and author of Perennial Wisdom, discusses the commonality between the world’s religions and holistic health.Elda Hartley’s films about world religion, cultures, holistic health and new medicine have received numerous awards. In this interview, Hartley discusses her experience making films and her beliefs about religion, spirituality and an integrated approach to health care. At a vital 86, Hartley enjoys spreading her positive energy and wisdom.
With host Marilyn McGuire, Justine and Michael Toms, authors of True Work, discuss discovering your gifts so that you can share them with the world.True work is listening to your inner voice, following your passion, then manifesting that passion in the world. We all have passions and following those passions, making them a priority, brings joy into our life; sharing that joy with the world makes it a better place for everyone.
Linda MacKenzie discusses her communication with God, whom she first saw when she was 8 years old and after which she had psychic experiences.As an adult, she switched from being an engineer to being a psychic healer communicating with God. She shares the story of her experience with an illness that she cured with prayer, vitamins and herbs. MacKenzie encourages people to surrender to God and know He's there.
How do you get closer to God? Linda MacKenzie says that the major pathways to God are truth, integrity, and love.She explains that the reason we are here is to get back to spirituality and be one with God, and that we must take responsibility for our actions and thoughts and remain open to keep learning. MacKenzie explains that one of the ways she was able to do that was to listen to God and to open herself up to helping others. Everyone has their own unique path, she tells us, and we each need to discover our own.
Wisdom lies within us all, but having the right tools to help access and use it effectively in our daily lives is key. Developing inner vision can be one such tool.Ilona Selke, her partner Don Paris, and Dr. Rod Newton offer the Living from Vision course, designed to help you discover ways to access your inner wisdom with practical results. When the answers we seek don’t reside in the rational mind, we must explore our inner reality as well.We constantly create our reality and the importance of using the right tools is the difference between living consciously and living unconsciously. We can choose to be conscious co-creators of reality and to be a mirror of beauty and love.
What does the 21st century have in store for the world? Host Carolyn Craft talks to Mark Thurston, author of Millennium Prophecies, about predictions for the 21st century.Thurston is an expert on Edgar Cayce, a well know American psychic, and has written 16 books based on his teachings. In Millennium Prophecies Thurston focuses on the predictions that Cayce made about changes in the outer-realm (geographical and political changes, for example).Which, if any, predictions have been realized in the first years of the 21st century, and which may be yet to come?
How can you use synchronicities and non-traditional methods of gaining information to make guided decisions?Mark Thurston has an eight-step guide to doing just that, and he walks us through the step-by-step process of setting a core value, analyzing its benefits, and then putting it into practice.
Can we improve the bond with our children and at the same time foster in them an emotionally healthy attitude? David Myers, author of Heartful Parenting, explains the benefits of cultivating an atmosphere of learning from each other rather than fostering an attitude of ownership of our children.Rather than focusing on a child's behavior, Myers advocates looking at what is going on the inside both the child and the parent. Myers and Rachel discuss the importance of honesty with children, and of exploring and explaining our own emotionality so that our children can learn how to explore their own.
Michel Labreche discusses the wizard inside us all, that which can access our inner magic and can tap into our source to become a creator.If we become too attached to negative emotions, which drain us of vital energy, our wizard has no power to create. We can reach beyond our own world, our ego and the tangle of our lives, to become that wizard.
Can an enhanced awareness of the auric field have a practical use for an alternative health practitioner? Barbara Brennan, author of Hands of Light, explains how she uses auric fields to heal people.Brennan's background is alternative health and astrophysics, and she has practiced aura awareness for years. Barbara explains that seeing auras is a talent like everything else, and that we can all see auras when we are born, but we learn to ignore them.
Do you or someone you know have addictions or destructive attachments? When we think of addiction we often think of the visible signs of addiction to a substance, but the nature of addiction extends beyond substance abuse. For example, an addiction can take the form of workaholism, which can be very self-destructive (more relationships are damaged by workaholism than by alcoholism).Liliane Desjardins of Pavilion International explains how to recover from addictions and stuck energy by first overcoming denial.See also: Part 2
Do you or someone you know have addictions or destructive attachments? When we think of addiction we often think of the visible signs of addiction to a substance. In fact, an addiction is any deep attachment that stymies growth.Liliane Desjardins of Pavilion International describes three types of attachment: power and control, security, and sensation. She explains that these are “not enough” syndromes: one can believe that a substance isn’t enough, as well as that they, their family, their family's love or their life is not enough.Desjardins explains how to recover from addictions and stuck energy by transforming the spirit and overcoming fear.See also: Part 1
How to get the money and the man that she wanted was what Catherine Lenard, author of All I Ever Wanted..., asked herself for years. Then she realized that she should have been asking herself a completely different question: How do I find fulfillment and value within myself?Going within is the key, she says, and discusses how to change your thinking and beliefs in order to manifest what you want in your outer world.
Alice Anne Parker, author of Understand Our Dreams, discusses what dreams are, calling dreaming a fabulous universal skill that can be used to access the subconscious.Parker explains how dreams affect us and that dreaming is different for everyone.
Could the biggest enemy to our happiness and success be inside us rather than outside? Guy Finley, author of The Intimate Enemy: Winning the War within Yourself, discusses our hidden agenda.Often we are unaware of the part of us that can be empowered to do potentially more harm than good, and we need to awaken and realize when our thought-life has taken dominance over our spiritual-life.Finley explains that we have multiple, disconnected voices within, and that the key is to strive for a purpose within the self that is not outwardly driven.See also: Part 2
What is the difference between outward fulfillment and inward fulfillment? What is the enemy to true fulfillment? Guy Finley, author of Intimate Enemy, grew up in a family with opportunities, social status and money. Outwardly, they lived a fulfilling life, but he saw dysfunction.Finley explains that focusing on the inward self and helping oneself is not selfish. The intimate enemy is fear, which is based on not knowing who we are and what is true, and making fear-based decisions leads to dishonesty, harming both ourselves and others.See also: Part 1