Aus dem Wald vertrieben, widmen sich die Winx der Rettung von Talenten und fangen dabei mit dem New Yorker Genie Naoki an, das von einem Krokodilmonster gestalkt wird.
The Winx's next appearance on Wow! is interrupted by a report from New York City in which a crocodile monster (Crocodile Man) has been spotted near on a boat. Flora senses that a guy named Naoki is connected to this so the Winx girls head to Manhattan to find Naoki, who tries to escape from the girls but then finds himself being pursued by Crocodile Man. The Winx save Naoki and reveal to him that they are fairies.
Dopo essere state cacciate dalla foresta, le Winx continuano a salvare giovani talenti, cominciando da Naoki, prodigio newyorkese perseguitato da un coccodrillo gigante.
Expulsas da floresta, as Winx estão determinadas a salvar jovens talentos, a começar por Naoki, que está na mira de um crocodilo monstruoso.
Czarodziejki Winx zostają wyrzucone z lasu i chcą zaopiekować się młodszymi talentami – poczynając od Naokiego z Nowego Jorku, którego prześladuje krokodyl-potwór.