Hosted by John Cena and Nicole Byer, with Camille Kostek serving as field host, this game show pushes contestants’ athleticism and determination to even greater extremes, all while delivering some wildly epic fails! Each game is three rounds, with each round featuring a jaw-dropping, multi-stage obstacle course with numerous strategy and decision points designed to further challenge the stamina of the competitors and deliver hilarious and surprising wipeouts. And of course, the iconic staple of the show — the big balls! — are returning with a vengeance.
Amerikkalainen kilpailuohjelma, jossa osallistujat joutuvat suorittamaan hurjia tehtäviä erilaisilla esteradoilla.
Des participants tentent de traverser trois parcours d'obstacles extrêmement difficiles pour courir la chance de gagner un prix de 25 000 $.