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Obstacle racing television game shows

(alphabetical order)

  • TheTVDB.com List ID 8375
  • Created By vincent2n
  • List Type Custom
  • Favorites 1
  • Created August 7, 2021 by
  • Modified August 10, 2022 by

American Gladiators


In this challenging game show, four contestants were pitted each week against the four athletically trained gladiators, two female and two male. Their strength, agility and endurance were tested in various, constantly changing contests against the powerful gladiators, with the highest scorers advancing to the exciting elimination tournament.



Members of the public are pitted against superfit Gladiators in trials of strength, speed and stamina.



Renny Harlinin ohjaama hurja ja vauhdikas 1990-luvun huipputapaus. Koko perheen kilpailuohjelmassa gladiaattorit ottavat mittaa haastajistaan erilaisissa hurjissa lajeissa. Ohjelman juontavat Katariina Ebeling ja J-P Palo.

Gladiators 2000


Children's version of the popular adult competition series "American Gladiators," where two teams of two competed to answer questions about health and fitness and competed in kiddie versions of American Glaidators events.

Australian Gladiators (1995)


Gladiators is an Australian television series which aired on Saturday nights on the Seven Network from 29 April 1995 until 12 October 1996 almost consecutively for eighteen months. It was based on the popular franchise which started with American Gladiators in 1989. However the Australian show was more heavily based on the UK version with events, format and even music being used from the British show. It was revived in 2008.



Gladiatorerna, ett av TV4:s populäraste program genom tiderna, är tillbaka – i en större, starkare och farligare skepnad än tidigare. Tusentals sökande har genomgått stenhårda tester, men bara 32 tappra utmanare har valts ut. Nu står de inför den svåraste utmaningen av dem alla: att ta sig an gladiatorerna. Utmanarna tävlar mot varandra, två mot två – kvinna mot kvinna och man mot man – i elva tuffa grenar.

Gearhead Gladiators


The extreme sports of swamp buggy battles, trike piloting and speed snow sledding get the Nat Geo treatment with GEARHEAD GLADIATORS.

American Gladiators (2008)


American Gladiators pits everyday athletes against the show's gladiators in contests of physical strength and endurance. The revival of the "American Gladiators" franchise will feature such classic events as The Joust, The Wall, Hang Tough, and Eliminator with upgraded 21st century technology. The show is hosted by Hulk Hogan and Laila Ali.

Australian Gladiators (2008)


Permanent competitors called “Gladiators” are put up against one-time-only “Challengers” in several different events which tests both physical and mental capabilities.

Gladiators (2008)


Ian Wright and Kirsty Gallacher present as contenders do battle with the brand new Gladiators. The action is overseen by original referee John Anderson, in events such as Hang Tough, The Joust and the Eliminator.

Global Gladiators


Bei Global Gladiators begeben sich acht Prominente auf den Roadtrip ihres Lebens. Quer durch Namibia erwarten die Gladiatoren harte Challenges und spannende Abenteuer! Für Global Gladiators begeben sich acht deutsche Prominente auf eine vierwöchige Reise quer durch Namibia. Auf der ca. 4000 Kilometer langen Route erleben die Gladiatoren beeindruckende Challenges an den schönsten Naturschauplätzen Namibias: Aus der Hauptstadt Windhuk geht es zunächst in den Süden des Landes bis hin zum Fish River Canyon. Von da aus fahren unsere Kämpfer zurück über die Hauptstadt an die Küste nach Walvis Bay und Swakopmund. Danach durchqueren die Gladiatoren das südafrikanische Land in nordöstlicher Richtung und fahren durch den Caprivi-Zipfel bis nach Sambia. Larissa Marolt kann die Eindrücke des Landes noch immer nicht ganz fassen:„Wir waren einfach mitten in der Wildnis. Da gab es kein Studio, keine abgegrenzten Räume, das war wirklich die Wildnis“, schwärmt sie.

Knights and Warriors


A sports fantasy competition set in a video game, where amateur athletes use strength and brains to compete.



女性版SASUKEとして、2001年12月に初めて放送され、2018年7月の時点で11回開催されている。 完全制覇は、2004年末の第4回、2006年新春の第5回、2006年秋の第6回に、三宅綾子が、2009年秋の第8回に小宮理英、門井佐登美がそれぞれ達成している。 毎回50人(第8回までは100人)が出場し、4つのステージに分かれたさまざまな障害物をアクションゲームのようにクリアしていく巨大フィールドアスレチック。途中で池に落下するか、池の水面に着水したり、コースアウト、タイムオーバーになるとその場でリタイアとなる。 出場できるのは女性のみ。SASUKEより年齢制限が小さくかつては小学生が出場したこともあった[1]が現在の出場資格は中学生以上。ゼッケン(挑戦順)はスタッフが決めており、後半になるほど、また、一の位が1の時に有力選手や注目選手を多く配置する傾向にある。第8回のみ1stが4人1組によるサバイバルレースで、ゼッケンはなく、挑戦順は1st挑戦前に発表された(2nd以降は1stのタイム順に行われてた)。 競技の服装は自由だが、主にTシャツに短パン、靴下に運動靴の格好で参加する選手が多い。

Million Dollar Mile


The streets of Los Angeles are shut down and the Million Dollar Mile course goes up! Contestants have the opportunity to win $1,000,000 every time they run the Million Dollar Mile. Standing in their way is the most challenging course ever designed and a group of elite athletes with one mission – stop the contestants from winning the money at all costs.



Most Extreme Elimination Challenge (or "MXC") is the ultimate in reality sports, where contestants comprised of two teams are physically and mentally challenged and eliminated through crazy and challenging games. To add to the fun, commentary is given to the audience through the hilarious comments of Kenny Blankenship and Vic Romano, along with special correspondant Guy LeDouche and Captain Tenneal. MXC originally comes from a Japanese reality series called "Takeshi's Castle" and has been dubbed into English with comedic results.

Ninja Warrior


The world's top fighters, wrestlers, and athletes compete in one of the most difficult physical contests ever devised. Of the 1,900 people that have attempted to complete stage one since 1997, only about 200 have succeeded. Of the 200 that passed stage one, only 3 people have gone on to complete all four stages and have the title of Ninja Warrior.

Women of Ninja Warrior


A spin-off of the popular Sasuke (Ninja Warrior) obstacle course with exclusively female competitors. Kunoichi, as it is known in Japan, focuses on speed, technique, and balance. Only three competitors have attacked the course and come away with Total Victory.

American Ninja Warrior


The heart-racing obstacle-course competition of ultra-athletes questing for a shot at the fabled Mt. Midoriyama. This American version of the Japanese show Sasuke (aka Ninja Warrior) televises a series of qualification courses across the nation, with the top contenders going to Las Vegas for the finals on the 4-stage "Mt. Midoriyama" obstacle course. In earlier seasons the show was a proving ground to find (and train) American athletes to send to Japan to compete in the original Sasuke tournaments.

American Ninja Warrior Junior


Kids are making history as they tackle challenging obstacle courses and compete to take home the title of American Ninja Warrior Junior!

American Ninja Warrior: Ninja vs Ninja


Epic competition series "American Ninja Warrior: Ninja vs. Ninja" pits three-person athletic teams against one another on physically demanding, side-by-side obstacle courses that test endurance and speed. Hosted by comedian Matt Iseman and former NFL player Akbar Gbaja-Biamila, the show features even more challenging obstacles this season, incorporating speed, human agility, skill, and a whole new strategy of racing. The 16-part season of "ANW: Ninja vs. Ninja" features some of the biggest names from the prime-time "American Ninja Warrior" franchise competing together to become the ultimate champions.

Australian Ninja Warrior


Australian Ninja Warrior is a sports entertainment competition that pits competitors against each other by competing in extremely difficult obstacle courses.

Team Ninja Warrior Danmark


Verdens vildeste forhindringsbane er tilbage. Og i år bliver det endnu vildere. Når Danmarks sejeste mænd og kvinder i år kaster sig ud i banens forhindringer, kæmper de ikke kun for at overvinde banen. De kæmper også mod hinanden. Og de kæmper i skarp konkurrence mod udvalgte deltagere fra sidste års dyst.12 holdkaptajner, der alle prøvede kræfter med banens sværhedsgrad sidste år, har fået lov til at sætte deres egne hold. Derudover stiller 12 helt nye hold også op til at start. Alle er de toptrænede og tændte på at tage kampen op. Hold mod hold kæmper de mod hinanden i et benhårdt udskillelsesløb, så der til sidst blot står tre hold i den store finale.

Ninja Warrior (España)


Arturo Valls conduce este gran formato para toda la familia acompañado del periodista deportivo Manolo Lama, que realiza los comentarios técnicos, mientras la presentadora Pilar Rubio recoge las impresiones de los participantes y sus acompañantes a pie de pista. Juntos buscan al Ninja Warrior España en un espectacular circuito de obstáculos. Pero Ninja Warrior España es algo más que una carrera de obstáculos. En el programa hay sorpresas que emocionan tanto a los participantes como a los espectadores. Ninja Warrior es la competición deportiva más exigente del mundo y sólo apta para todos aquellos hombres y mujeres dispuestos a enfrentarse al más difícil de los retos: superarse a sí mismos. Un programa para demostrar quién realiza más pruebas en menos tiempo. Un desafío para la agilidad, la fuerza, la destreza y la mente de 200 participantes, con un único vencedor.

Ninja Warrior, le parcours des héros


Chaque semaine, des hommes et des femmes ordinaires vont tenter de devenir extraordinaires en se confrontant à un parcours d'obstacles réputé infranchissable. En sept ans, aux Etats-Unis, seuls deux concurrents en sont venus à bout. Au Japon, où le programme est diffusé depuis plus de 18 ans, seuls quatre, dont deux fois le même. L'émission se déroule en extérieur, dans le cadre du vieux port de Cannes, sur un plateau de 7000 mètres carrés, parsemés de 33 obstacles vertigineux et d'un parcours de plus en plus difficile. Rapidité, force physique, endurance et détermination seront indispensables pour réussir à traverser un pont suspendu à double palier ou escalader à mains nues un mur lisse de plus de quatre mètres. Des célébrités et des anonymes participeront à cette émission où ils devront affronter plusieurs épreuves. Le gagnant recevra 100 000 euros.

Ninja Warrior Germany - Die stärkste Show Deutschlands


In der deutschen Version der japanischen Original-Show „Sasuke“ müssen die Kandidaten vier Hindernisparcours überwinden. Am Start finden sich zunächst 100 Teilnehmer ein, sowohl Hobbsportler als auch Profiathleten, die den ersten Parcours über Wasserbecken hinweg einzeln und nacheinander absolvieren müssen. Kraft, Wendigkeit und Ausdauer sind dabei hilfreich, denn wer nicht schnell genug ist oder mit dem Wasser in Berührung kommt, scheidet aus. Für das deutsche Publikum wird ein kompletter Durchgang auf mehrere Shows aufgeteilt, bis am Ende der beste Teilnehmer zum „Ninja Warrior“ gekürt wird.

Ninja Warrior Germany Allstars - Das Duell der Besten


Die 160 besten, legendärsten und bekanntesten Ninja-Athleten Deutschlands in einer Show – das gibt’s nur bei RTL. „Ninja Warrior Germany Allstars – Das Duell der Besten“ die Suche nach den Besten der Besten. Wie immer mit dabei: das bewährte Moderations- und Kommentatoren-Trio Frank Buschmann, Jan Köppen und Laura Wontorra. In fünf Vorrunden treten 32 „Ninja Warrior Germany Allstars“ in spannenden und überraschenden Duellen gegeneinander an.

Ninja Warrior Germany Kids


Macht Platz für die Ninja Warrior Germany Kids! In dem Spin-Off der kräftigsten Show Deutschlands demonstrieren Kinder zwischen 10 und 13 was sie draufhaben und beweisen sich im Springen, Klettern, Hangeln und Balancieren. Im Kids-Ableger der Physical-Gameshow wagen sich junge Sportler auf den anspruchsvollen Hindernisparcours. Wie bei der Erwachsenen-Version sind Mut, Kraft, Ausdauer und Geschicklichkeit gefragt. Gemeinsam mit den Moderatoren Laura Wontorra, Jan Koppen und Frank Buschmann erlebst du die Ninja Warrior Germany Kids hautnah.

Team Ninja Warrior Germany


Bei "Team Ninja Warrior" treten die Athleten nicht alleine, sondern in Dreier-Teams (jeweils zwei Männer und eine Frau) gegeneinander an. Zwei Athleten starten pro Runde gleichzeitig in den eigens dafür entwickelten Parallel-Parcours, sodass eine neue Konkurrenzsituation entsteht, in der die Kandidaten nicht mehr nur gegen die Uhr antreten. Die beiden Teams mit den schnellsten Zeiten kommen in das große Finale, aus dem wiederum nur ein Team als Sieger hervorgeht - und das heißersehnte Preisgeld von 100.000 Euro mit nach Hause nehmen kann.

Ninja Warrior Hungary


A Ninja Warrior Hungary 2017-es ügyességi vetélkedőműsor, amit a TV2 sugároz. A Ninja Warrior Hungary műsorvezetői Mádai Vivien, Till Attila és Majka.

Israel Ninja Warrior Junior


Kids are making history as they tackle challenging obstacle courses and compete to take home the title of Israel Ninja Warrior Junior!

Ninja Warrior Italia


Prima edizione italiana per uno dei grandi fenomeni televisivi degli ultimi anni. Nato in Giappone nel 1997, Ninja Warrior è una grande sfida ad ostacoli: racconta non solo il gesto sportivo, ma anche le vite dei concorrenti, dai primi casting al tentativo di superare l’ultimo ostacolo per aggiudicarsi l'ambito premio finale. Conduttori e commentatori di questa sfida sono Gabriele Corsi, Federico Russo, Massimiliano Rosolino e Carolina Di Domenico.

Ninja Warrior NL


Ninja Warrior NL is het zwaarste en meest uitdagende obstakelparcours ter wereld. Het programma is zo zwaar dat wereldwijd nog maar 10 mensen ooit het einde van het parcours gehaald hebben en zich Ninja Warrior mogen noemen. Presentatoren Kim-Lian van der Meij en Dennis van der Geest gaan op zoek naar dé Ninja Warrior van Nederland.

Ninja Warrior (SE)


The world's by far most difficult and exciting obstacle course now comes to claim victims among the strongest in the country. Ninja Warrior has become an international success phenomenon. The show started 1997 in Japan and then spread to the United States. Although the races has been going on for seventeen years, only three people ever has passed the course, all Japanese. A Swedish Ninja Warrior will now be made subject in three stages. Those who take themselves through the qualification round move on to the semifinals where the degree of difficulty increases significantly. Those who do best there progress to the final, which consists of three different tracks. The last of the final courses is the final tower, Midoriyama. A 21-meter rope climbing on limited time. Hostess is Adam Alsing, sports anchor Karin Frick is a reporter and fitness expert Marten Nylén acts as commentator.

Ninja Warrior UK


Competitors from all over the UK take on TV's toughest obstacle course.



正式名称は「究極のサバイバルアタックSASUKE」。1997年秋に初めて放送され、2021年12月の時点で39回開催されている。当初はTBS『筋肉番付』のスペシャル企画としてスタートし、同番組の終了以降、2002年秋の第10回から独立番組となる。 姉妹番組である女性版SASUKEの「KUNOICHI」(クノイチ)、子供版の「SASUKE JUNIOR」、年配版の「SASUKE シニア」も開催されていた。



Spartan er Danmarks vildeste forhindringsløb. 20 hold har taget imod udfordringen om at blive Danmarks bedste Spartanhold 2017. Pelle Hvenegaard, Peter Falktoft og OL-guldvinder Rikke Hørlykke er de tre værter, som kommenterer og guider os igennem løbene, hvor alle - mænd, kvinder, unge og gamle - skal igennem tungt mudder, høje vægge, spydkast, store træstammer og iskoldt vand, inden de når frem til udfordringen over dem alle - Slip Wall. En otte meter skrå væg, hvor alting kan ændre sig. Det handler om at komme først, men først fremmest handler det om at samarbejde. I Spartan er det stærkeste hold nemlig sammenhold

Australian Spartan


Inspired by the world-wide fitness phenomenon Spartan Race, Australian Spartan takes place on the biggest course built in the country. Teams race across a series of specially designed obstacles engineered to challenge their ability to work together as a group. In the end, only one team will rise to the ultimate glory of being crowned the first ever Australian Spartan champions. After a series of heats and semi-final, 10 grand finalists will compete in an extended Spartan course. From there, the two teams left standing will race head-to-head in a spectacularly designed Grand Final course with the winning team taking home $150,000.

Spartan: Ultimate Team Challenge


Spartan Ultimate Team Challenge is a ports entertainment competition series based on the obstacle race of the same name. The series will bring people together in teams of five - two men, two women, and an "elite Spartan athlete" that will be picked by the show and serve as "team captain." The elite athlete will either be from the Spartan Pro Team or from a different field of expertise. Each team of five will be responsible for getting their teammates through mud, water and, barbed wire, culminating with an attempt to conquer the dreaded Slip Wall for a shot at $250,000. Dhani Jones and Kyle Martino host with Evan Dollard and MJ Acosta as course reporters.



"Splatalot" is a medieval-themed mess ... literally. Each episode 12 thrill-seeking teens, known as the attackers, enter the show's castle-themed obstacle course, which includes a sludge-filled moat, and take on the six medieval gladiators, known as defenders. The teams compete in three rounds with the ultimate goal of stealing a crown, which the defenders are tasked with protecting. The winning contestant is crowned Prince or Princess of Splatalot.



ビートたけしが城主を務める難攻不落の「たけし城」を落とすため、毎回約100人の一般応募者[3] からなる攻撃軍を谷隼人“隊長”が率い、緑山スタジオに作られた、たけし軍が仕掛けた数々の難関(ゲーム)を攻略する。

Takeshi's Castle (2002)


Welcome to the Takeshi's Castle, a Japanese game show involving 100 to 140 contestants who try to go through a series of silly physical challenges designed to eliminate them. Designed like a live-action Mario game, thousands of people have come to take on Takeshi's Castle to try and win the ¥1,000,000 prize but hardly anyone does! Each episode was filmed over the entire length of the day, with some challenges going well into the night.

Takeshi's Castle Rebooted (UK)


The Japanese game show returns with a new voiceover courtesy of comedy duo Rich McCourt and Dominic Wood

Takeshi's Castle: Thailand


The evil Shogun Takeshi has kidnapped Princess Woonsen and imprisoned her in his castle; contestants aim to storm Takeshi's castle and free her.

The Titan Games


Inspired by Dwayne Johnson's desire to motivate global audiences to reach their potential both mentally and physically, this inspiring new athletic competition series offers everyday people the opportunity to step inside the Titan arena and achieve the impossible. Every episode, six contenders compete against one of six reigning Titans. They will be challenged in incredible head-to-head battles designed to test the minds, bodies and hearts of our competitors. Sheer brute strength won't be enough. If a contender rises to the occasion and defeats one of the Titans, they take their place and join the elite Titan group. But once one becomes a Titan, they must be victorious every week to keep their spot. In the epic season finale, the Titans battle it out against one another in the hope of becoming the last male and female standing.

TKO: Total Knock Out


Hosted by comedian Kevin Hart, this show features five players during one round. One contestant runs through the course, facing challenging obstacles they must pass. The four other members are manned at battle stations, firing projectiles in an attempt to slow the racer down or knock them off the course. The top two players then advance to a final showdown in which the winner will receive a cash prize.

Ultimate Beastmaster


Ultimate Beastmaster is an upcoming competition reality show that is set to premiere on Netflix. The first season will consist of 10 episodes which will be released simultaneously on Netflix worldwide. The show will have six country-specific versions. These will have separate hosts, and languages, with two competitors from each country competing in each of the first nine episodes of the series. The countries will be the U.S., Brazil, South Korea, Mexico, Germany, and Japan. In each show, there will be 18 competitors who will run a new obstacle course known as “The Beast”. The winner will be crowned “Beastmaster”. Each of the "Beastmasters" from the nine shows will go forward to a final to become the Ultimate Beastmaster.

Ultimate Beastmaster Brasil


Rafinha Bastos e Anderson Silva apresentam esta competição em uma difícil pista de obstáculos com atletas do mundo inteiro.

Ultimate Beastmaster Germany


Jeweils 18 Kanditaten aus den Ländern Japan, Brasilien, USA, Südkorea, Mexiko und Deutschland treten gegeneinander an, um einen sehr anstrengenden Hindernisparcour zu bezwingen. Zum Schluss wird der Gewinner gekrönt.

Ultimate Tag


A high-octane physical competition based on the classic playground game of chase co-hosted by NFL superstar sibling trio J.J., T.J. and Derek Watt. Each week, competitors – who are everyday citizens and not professional athletes – vault, dodge, tumble and dive over various epic, three-dimensional moving courses, with one simple goal: “Don’t get caught.” As competitors progress, they are challenged to take on even more extreme courses and earn points for their performance in each heart-pounding game.

Ultimate Tag (AU)


Ultimate Tag is an upcoming Australian sports entertainment obstacle course competition based on the American series of the same name. Following the premise of the original version, The format is based on the game of tag, known as tips in Australia, and involves contestants running through various indoor obstacle courses while professional taggers attempt to catch them.

Unbeatable Banzuke


Unbeatable Banzuke is a "crazy" Japanese game show. It comprises of 20 challenging obstacle courses varying from doing hand stands to riding bikes.

Unbeatable Banzuke (NL)


Deelnemers uit de hele wereld gaan de competitie aan in een vreemde reeks van fysieke opdrachten. De deelnemers worden voor de meest bizarre en wilde uitdagingen gesteld, waarmee ze worden getest op hun fysieke kracht en techniek.

Viking: The Ultimate Obstacle Course


A Japanese obstacle course endurance game show using an obstacle course produced by Fuji TV and Monster9. The English version of the first Viking competition was produced by ESPN2 as a one-time event, split into six parts, with two American commentators calling the action. In Europe, several competitions were aired on Eurosport 2 with the American commentators in the first season and British commentator Colin Bryce in subsequent installments.

Wipeout (US)


Human cannonballs! Human pinballs! Crashes, breaks and mud splatters! Twenty-four thrill-seekers will compete in the world's largest extreme obstacle course, designed to deliver the most spills, face plants and sweeps ever seen on television, in Wipeout, a painfully fun new reality series.

Wipeout (2021)


Hosted by John Cena and Nicole Byer, with Camille Kostek serving as field host, this game show pushes contestants’ athleticism and determination to even greater extremes, all while delivering some wildly epic fails! Each game is three rounds, with each round featuring a jaw-dropping, multi-stage obstacle course with numerous strategy and decision points designed to further challenge the stamina of the competitors and deliver hilarious and surprising wipeouts. And of course, the iconic staple of the show — the big balls! — are returning with a vengeance.

Spring Wipeout


"Spring Wipeout" is an American reality show series - the third incarnation of ABC's "Wipeout" franchise. It was slated to premiere after the season finale of "Winter Wipeout", which was on February 24, 2011. The show itself aired on March 17, 2011 on ABC and ended on May 19, 2011 after 7 episodes.

Wipeout (BE/NL)


Wipeout is de geknipte arena voor de waanzinnige strijd tussen twintig Vlamingen en Nederlanders, die stuk voor stuk avontuurlijk zijn ingesteld en van geen kleintje vervaard. Gelukkig maar, want om de gigantische obstakels en nog grotere hindernissen te overwinnen moet elke kandidaat - zelfs de meest atletische- tot het uiterste gaan. Aan het einde van de rit lonkt 10.000 euro, maar die som is alleen voor die ene man of vrouw weggelegd die de finish haalt. Ook deze week neemt Lynn Pelgroms plaats tussen de actie. Commentatoren Walter Grootaers en Bob Peeters houden een veilige afstand om met hun snedige analyses de toppers en floppers in kaart te brengen.

Wipeout (DE)


Viel Action, jede Menge Spaß und nur eine Frage bestimmen die Action-Fun-Show: Wer schafft es durch den Abenteuer-Parcours? Und für wen endet der Versuch im Schlamm? 24 mutige Kandidaten treten in "WipeOut - Heul nicht, lauf!" an, vier kommen ins Finale, nur einer ans große Geld. Der Sieger gewinnt 10.000 Euro. Matthias Opdenhövel und Sportkommentatoren-Legende Werner Hansch führen durch die Show. Charlotte Engelhardt ist als Field-Reporterin am Parcours im Einsatz.

Total Wipeout, ça va déraper !


24 candidats anonymes (12 hommes et 12 femmes), venant de France ou de Belgique, s'affrontent au travers d'épreuves loufoques situées dans un parcours en Argentine. Après plusieurs épreuves, un seul candidat pourra remporter 10 000 €.

Total Wipeout: Freddie & Paddy Takeover


Paddy McGuinness and Freddie Flintoff add unique banter and hilarious commentary to classic Total Wipeout episodes, as brave contestants tackle iconic games and the big red balls.

Wipeout (GR)


Τα κατορθώματα περισσότερων από 300 Ελλήνων, που ταξίδεψαν στην Αργεντινή, αποφασισμένοι να δοκιμάσουν τα όρια τους και να ζήσουν μια εμπειρία ζωής. Ένας τεράστιος στίβος θεαματικών δοκιμασιών έχει στηθεί σε φυσικούς χώρους της μαγευτικής Λατινοαμερικάνικης χώρας. Εκεί οι παίκτες καλούνται να αποδείξουν τις ικανότητες τους και να ξεπεράσουν διάφορα εμπόδια. Τα μόνα απαιτούμενα προσόντα είναι η τόλμη, η σωματική ευελιξία και το χιούμορ! Σε κάθε επεισόδιο διαγωνίζονται 24 παίκτες. Τέσσερις από αυτούς τους παίκτες καταφέρνουν να φτάσουν στην τελική φάση, που είναι μια εντυπωσιακή νυχτερινή αναμέτρηση. Αλλά μόνο ένας θα είναι ο νικητής και θα κερδίσει το χρηματικό έπαθλο του Wipe Out.

Wipeout (IL)


Winter Wipeout (NO)


24 skandinaviske deltakere setter sin modighet, styrke og balanse på prøve når de tar seg gjennom en ellevill hinderløype i Argentina - som i år er forvandlet til et hvitt vinterlandskap.

Wipeout (SE)


Här testar kommentatorerna Hans Wiklund och Felix Herngren den nya ännu brutalare Wipeoutbanan. Det brutalt roliga Wipeout är tillbaka! Efter en succéartad säsong är det nu dags för en ny omgång på den knallhårda, spektakulära och underhållande hinderbanan i Buenos Aires.

Total Wipeout


UK version of Wipeout gameshow. Total Wipeout is presented by Richard Hammond. 20 hopefuls take compete against one another on one of television's most extreme obstacle courses. They travel to the Total Wipeout course in Argentina to hoping to win £10,000 pounds and be crowned the weekly winner.

Winter Wipeout (UK)


Is it winter already? It soon will be on Total Wipeout! The brand new Series introduces a brand-new snow-covered course, with winter-themed obstacles and seasonal challenges. Contestants must manoeuvre their way past ‘Granny’s House’ watching out for the angry dog nipping at their ankles and a front door guaranteed to smack them in the face. Next they have to cling on to the ‘Ski Lift’ to avoid plummeting into the icy waters below and if lucky enough to make it to the all new Wipeout Zone, face being catapulted onto the course before climbing the very troublesome ‘Stairway from Hell’. But of course, the Big Red Balls are back, albeit with a conveyor belt propelling the contestants into the air above the balls! There will be 12 wonderfully wintery shows hosted by Richard Hammond, providing his witty and gently mocking commentary from the safety of the studio, as Amanda Byram braves the cold joining the contestants’ course side. The new Series will include two celebrity specials, plus a Winter Wipeout final at the Series’ climax.

Wipeout - Wymiatacze


Polish entertainment program based on the American Wipeout