Will und Jack machen sich Sorgen um Karens Gesundheit und begleiten sie zum Arzt. Das Resultat: Karen muss nun regelmäßig Kalziumtabletten schlucken - und Jack lernt den Pfleger Clark kennen. Jetzt weiß Jack, dass er auch schon immer Krankenpfleger werden wollte und beginnt eine Lehre. Nur eine Woche später ändert Jack seine Meinung: Er will Surfer werden! Doch dann hat er eine brillante Idee, wie er Karen dazu bringen kann, ihre verhassten Pillen zu nehmen ...
Will learns that Karen missed her physical, so he takes her to one of the finest doctors in the city. It is not until after the doctor does a demonstration on Will that Karen obliges. While at the office, Jack flirts with a male nurse, and he later announces that he's going to be a nurse himself. The problem is, training costs $2,700, and Will and Karen are reluctant to give him the money. Once they pay the fees, Jack, fickle as ever, announces that he's taken up surfing, and that he needs $1,600 for lessons. Will and Karen are about to let the nursing school know of his decision to drop out until Jack comes up with an inventive way to feed Karen her calcium pills.
En apprenant que Karen a manqué son examen médical, Will décide de l'emmener lui-même chez un médecin.
קארן צריכה לעבור בדיקה רפואית כחברת מועצת המנהלים וחוששת מכך. וויל וג'ק מתלווים אליה למרפאה, ושם פוגש ג'ק סטודנט חתיך לסיעוד, ומחליט שהוא מצא את ייעודו. עם: ג'ק בלאק.
Spinta dal suo avvocato Will, Karen decide che è giunta l'ora della sua annuale visita di controllo. Presto però si pente della decisione, dopo essere stata esaminata da un medico leggermente poco ortodosso...
Altrove, mentre accompagna l'amica Karen alla visita, Jack scopre la sua vera vocazione: fare l'infermiere! Per questo prega Will e Karen di supportarlo in questo nuovo tentativo, oppure dovranno avere a che fare col suo eterno disprezzo.