The Great Barrier Reef, which runs parallel to the coastline of northeastern Australia, is so big it can be seen from space. A chain of 3,000 individual reefs and some 900 islands, this system is greater in size than the United Kingdom, Holland, and Switzerland combined. This living superstructure is so significant to the world, it's deemed one of its seven natural wonders.
Le barriere coralline sono le aree con maggior biodiversità degli ecosistemi del Pacifico. Più di un quarto delle specie marine del mondo vivono sulle barriere coralline, anche se queste occupano meno del 2% della superficie totale.
Das größte Ökosystem seiner Art vor der australischen Ostküste ist Brutplatz und Heimat von ikonischen Meerestieren wie den Buckelwalen, grünen Meeresschildkröten oder Blaugeringelten Kraken.
(GEO Television)