Of the Pacific's 25-thousand islands, roughly two-thirds are in the Coral Triangle. The Triangle is a small western Pacific pocket from Indonesia, north of the Philippines and across to the Solomon Islands. Though marveled for its reefs, within the volcano-lined bays, another astonishing ecosystem is emerging.
L'Oceano Pacifico giace sulla placca tettonica più grande del mondo. La "cintura di fuoco" è una catena di vulcani lunga 50.000 km che circonda il Pacifico.
Tauchgänge an die weltweit größten und bedeutendsten Buchten, wie jener im Korallendreieck, bringen bunte, exotische Kreaturen zu Tage: laufende Tintenfische, den "Mimik-Oktopus" oder Seeschnecken.
(GEO Television)