Nanami's parents are going to a wedding on the weekend, so she takes this opportunity to invite Motoharu to sleepover. On the day Motoharu's pretty excited about the whole thing when all of a sudden he receives a call from an upset Yuri. So instead of meeting up with Nanami he goes to be the one at Yuri's side. Meanwhile Takeuchi is on a date but he can't seem to get Nanami of his mind.
当日、七美のもとへと向かう矢野は、偶然竹内に出会ってしまう。気まずい空気が走るなか、矢野の携帯に有里から電話が。 有里の母親が倒れたことを知った矢野は、七美のもとに向かうバスに乗らず、有里のいる病院へ向かってしまう。病院へ駆けつけた矢野に対し有里の口からついに・・・。