Tomoko receives a call from her old middle school friend, Yuu Naruse, asking to meet up with her, though she becomes nervous about meeting her due to her uneventful high school life. Whilst trying to improve herself before her meeting, she ends up spending an annoyingly brief time with another boy in the art room due to skipping classes, though feels touched by the portrait he drew of her. On the day of the meeting, Tomoko is surprised to find that Yuu's appearance has changed a lot since she last saw her, but feels relieved that she is still the same on the inside. After spending the day playing at the arcades, Tomoko feels encouraged by Yuu to keep doing her best, only to become depressed again after hearing she has a boyfriend.
Tomoko va revoir ce week-end une de ses vieilles amies de collège, tout aussi « geek » qu’elle. Malgré ses difficultés à s’adapter à la vie au lycée, elle essaie tout au long de la semaine de se créer des temps forts pour avoir de quoi raconter à sa camarade qu’elle n’a pas vue depuis leur changement d’école…
오랜만에 중학교 동창 유우에게 만나서 놀자는 전화가 걸려온다. 이에 토모코는 유우에게 자랑하기 위해 오늘부터라도 충실한 여고생활을 보내기로 하는데...
그리고 이런 그녀의 노력(!)때문일까 방과후 남학생과 단둘이 초상화를 그리게 되는데...
Tomoko recibe una llamada de su viejo amigo de la escuela secundaria, Yuu Naruse, pidiéndole reunirse con ella, aunque ella se pone nerviosa por conocerla debido a su incómoda vida en la escuela secundaria. Mientras trata de mejorar antes de su reunión, termina pasando un momento molesto con otro chico en la sala de arte debido a que se saltó las clases, aunque se siente conmovida por el retrato que dibujó de ella.