The cultural festival is underway, with some commotion caused when Anna brings popular model Maico, who Maho works with, to the event. Shuichi, Makoto and the others have fun in the haunted house before running into Maico, who Chizuru is a fan of. Yuki and Shiina pay Shuichi and Yoshino a visit while running through their lines. As the play starts, Makoto gets stage fright, but Saori and the others manage to give him encouragement and the play manages to become a success. After the play, Saori decides to give the flowers she got from Fumiya to Makoto, acknowledging that he made a good Juliet.
いよいよ待ちに待った文化祭の当日。修一たちのクラスは劇の準備に大忙し。ジュリエットに扮した誠は、ロミオの衣装を見事に着こなすさおりに対して、自分に自信が持てずにいた。本番が刻一刻と迫る中、緊張を紛らわすためにみんなでお化け屋敷に入ったり、人気モデルの麻衣子ちゃんが来ていることが分かって大騒ぎになったり、ユキさんやしーちゃんも見学に来たりと、賑わいを見せる文化祭。そして、ついに1年3組の倒錯劇『ロミオとジュリエット』の幕が上がって ——。