In the second take of his address to the galaxy, Lord Hater instructs Wander not to talk. His address goes off without a hitch, until he notices Wander's goofy smile. He tells him to shake in fear, but Wander keeps doing goofy faces until Hater tells him he will have to pull the broadcast, which makes Wander shake in fear. Unfortunately, soon after, he goes back to his ridiculous smile and this causes Lord Hater to cut off the transmission.
In the midst of the third take of Lord Hater's address to the galaxy, Commander Peepers asks him what he is doing. Peepers asks if he's trying to destroy Wander again, which Hater denies, until he accidentally pushes the button on the podium lowering Wander. Hater attempts to raise Wander back up, but he is already caught. Peepers tells his superior that he needs to focus on conquering planets before other villains do so. Hater then tells Peepers that he already told everyone that he was going to destroy Wander, and if he doesn't follow through, he will appear weak. Peepers says under his breath that it's a little late for that. After a static cut, we see Hater about to destroy both Wander and Peepers.
In the fourth take of his address to the galaxy, Lord Hater gets irritated due to Wander singing while he is stating his address. Hater presses the button on the podium angrily lowering Wander while he is singing. Hater tells him to stop it. Wander then tells him that he is singing his theme song however Hater said that he is making it sound stupid. Wander asks Hater to show everyone how to sing it correctly. After the static cut, Hater is attempting to tune his electric guitar and starts singing, after some of failing tries, Wander suggests about how to tune it but Hater denies it and throws the guitar through the camera.
Wander is making random noises then realizes the camera is rolling and tells everyone that Lord Hater had to go to the bathroom, but will return in a moment. He decides to check on him and easily gets off the X. Suddenly, a Watchdog janitor appears and sees the camera and decides to do a breakdancing routine. Hater returns and asks the Watchdog what he's doing and then realizes that Wander is missing.
Wander and Hater each struggle in their own way when making breakfast.