While checking out the Count's trophy room, which contains some old relics of Nox, including his special telescope, as well as 2 Eliatrope Dofus', Percidel is contacted by Goultard via their telepathic connection, though seeing it in action confuses everyone. Goultard talks to them though Rubliax and gives them all a startling revelation: Percidel is, in fact, the current incarnation of the Iop God with his powers slowly returning after Goultard, his child from a past life, defeated Rushu in battle and after Percidel went into a advanced state of being after his children were threatened by the Count's goons. After that was said and done, Master Joris, who was frozen in the trophy room along with his two adopted children for having some of the Dofus' themselves before they were stolen and them being frozen, explains that a mysterious organization known as the Brotherhood of Shadows has been stealing the 6 Eliatrope Dofus', which the Count was a member of. Yugo, Joris, and his adopted children go to claim two others while Adamai and Otomai go after the last 2.
Maitre Joris n'est pas qui il semble être.
Et Tristepin redevient un le Dieu Yop...
Que va t'il advenir de la confrérie et du Monde des Douze ?
В ледяной темнице графа Харебурга, несостоявшегося жениха Амалии, среди прочих томится в плену и Йорис, чей рассказ после освобождения порождает немало вопросов. Оказывается, шесть Дофусов понадобились членам некоего таинственного братства, действующего с начала времён. Есть и ещё кое-что, вызывающее беспокойство у Йориса. Это — неимоверная сила Персидаля, выказанная им при освобождении себя и остальных из ледяного плена. Однако на эту загадку вскоре находится ответ...
Yugo e seus amigos são mantidos reféns em uma prisão de gelo e descobrem três prisioneiros congelados.
Yugo i jego przyjaciele są przetrzymywani w lodowym więzieniu hrabiego Harebourga, gdzie odkrywają trzech więźniów unieruchomionych w lodowych blokach.