Big thing! At the Military Academy, a movie and a series will be filmed! The commander acquaints the famous actor with the elders and gives them the task of introducing him as best as possible in the spirit of the Academy's life. Furthermore, wherever it appears, it provokes the enthusiasm of the cadets, and is particularly sensitive to his charm, Sheki and Burazer. The inseparable comrades Gruya and Bugi will demonstrate their latent confrontation in front of everyone at the time of martial arts, after which, as if there is no return. Vera continues to "handle" Kashanin, seeking help from the service, which he will not be able to refuse. Soon the whole thing turns into an exciting thriller in which Major Kashanin plays a crucial role. Attorney Pete invites Nadia to dinner, to work on the "case". Jale, almost gone mad with worries that she did not tell him about a positive pregnancy test, for the first time he made a fall.
Velika stvar! Na Vojnoj akademiji snimaće se film i serija! Načelnik upoznaje poznatog glumca sa starešinama i daje im u zadatak da ga što bolje uvedu u duh života Akademije. Nadalje, gde god se pojavi, izaziva oduševljenje kadeta, a naročito su osetljive na njegov šarm Šeki i Burazer. Nerazdvojni drugovi Gruja i Bugi ispoljiće svoj latentni sukob pred svima na času borilačkih veština, nakon čega kao da nema povratka. Vera i dalje "obrađuje" Kašanina, tražeći od njega pomoć službi, koju on neće moći da odbije. Ubrzo se čitava stvar pretvara u uzbudljiv triler u kome Major Kašanin igra presudnu ulogu. Advokat Pete poziva Nadicu na večeru, kako bi radili na "slučaju". Džale, gotovo poludeo od brige što mu ona nije rekla za pozitivan test trudnoće, prvi put napravi ispad.