There is still nothing to be known about Risse, everyone is already on the edge of the nerves. And among the young cadets, the possible victims of the action in Africa are commenting. Sasvars call for an urgent, confidential meeting with the minister. In the next frame, she sits on the stairs and cries crazy. It tells Zimčetu about Ris's fate, there are unbelief, and shock and hysteria. Everyone is gathering at Zimchet and then leaving to report to Ris's parents. In a seismic series of images we realize the irreconcilable gap between lost youth life and heroic sacrifice for more goals. The same raw sadness includes Ris's superiors, but this does not prevent Major Radic from accusing Sasvara for informing his friends and family independently. She is quitting her. Special plane takes Ris's earthly remains, accompanied by his saboteur Larisa Sisko. A funeral is being prepared for a young "hero".
O Risu se još ništa ne zna, svi su već na ivici nerava. I među mladim kadetima se komentarišu moguće žrtve akcije u Africi. Šašvari pozivaju na hitan, poverljiv sastanak kod ministra. U sledećem kadru ona sedi na stepenicama i neutešno plače. Javlja Zimčetu o Risovoj sudbini, nastaju neverica, pa šok i histerija. Svi se okupljaju kod Zimčeta, a zatim odlaze da saopšte Risovim roditeljima. U potresnom nizu slika shvatamo nepomirljivi jaz između izgubljenog mladog života i junačkog žrtvovanja za više ciljeve. Ista surova tuga obuhvata i Risove nadređene, ali to ne sprečava majora Radića da optuži Šašvari zbog samostalnog obaveštavanja prijatelja i porodice. Njoj preti otkaz. Specijalnim avionom dopremaju Risove zemne ostatke, koje prati njegova saborkinja Larisa Sisko. Priprema se sahrana mladom "heroju".