Auf dem Planeten Tarak, der von Männern dominiert wird, soll ein neues Kampfschiff, die Ikazuchi, in Betrieb gehen. Hibiki, ein Bürger dritter Klasse, möchte auf dem Schiff einen Vanguard stehlen und wird gefangen genommen. Währenddessen greifen die größten Feinde der Männer, und zwar die Frauen, die Ikazuchi an …
Hibiki Tokai is a third-class citizen who is a parts mechanic. When he boasts to his co-workers that he can and would steal a Vanguard, which is one of the Empire's elite combat vehicles used for defending themselves against the Mejale, he finds himself boxed in by his own words. In order to silence his doubting co-workers, he has to sneak abord the battleship Ikazuchi and find the Vanguard with the marked part on it that makes it his. However, everything doesn't go as planned, as the Ikazuchi takes off for orbit 2 hours ahead of time with Hibiki stranded on board. As if things couldn't get any worse, the Ikazuchi also comes under attack by a group of fearsome women from Mejale - and not just any Mejale women, but pirates!
Found out by the Tarak crew and facing execution for being a stowaway, Hibiki comes face to face with a real live woman in the midst of all the fighting, who he immediately runs away from, despite her overly friendly attitude. But the real threat may not come from th
Depuis de nombreuses générations, les Hommes de la planète Tarak ont subi les pires sévices de la part de leurs plus terribles ennemis: les Femmes, toutes originaires de la planète Mejale. Pour renverser la situation et reprendre leur revanche, l'armée des Hommes compte sur leurs nouveaux robots de type VAN, les Vanguards. Pendant l'inauguration de leur vaisseau spatial, le jeune citoyen de troisième de classe Hibiki se retrouve malgré lui victime de l'assaut des Femmes alors qu'il tentait de relever un défi...
El planeta masculina de Tarak conmemora el lanzamiento de un nuevo barco de guerra, Ikazuchi. Hibiki intenta robar una vanguardia a bordo del buque, pero es capturado. Una mujer pirata asalta el barco y termina la captura de Hibiki, junto con Bart, Duero, y la mitad de la nave.