When the New JIORians learn of the Phantom ship's course to the Moon L-elf decides to use the location of an antique multistage rocket to return to space after rescuing some captive JIORian citizens in the nearby city of Dorssiana—of which Haruto's distant father Soichi Tokishima also resides. The New JIORians later infiltrate the city to secure the rocket while Haruto, L-elf, Kyūma and Takumi rendezvous with Kriemhild's Royalist squad. However, when Kriemhild mentions a person called "Mikhail" L-elf acknowledges it to be his pre-Karlstein name and abandons the operation to search the city for Lieselotte. Moving ahead with the plan, Haruto and co. meet up with the captive JIORians who all turn out to be the scientists behind Project VVV, with Soichi himself at its head, much to Haruto's shock. Soichi explains that the project used JIOR military funding to create new lifeforms with the goal of transcending the human existence—using the genetically modified embryos of the Sakimori students. As Soichi begins to revel in the project's success, Haruto fails to reason with his father about the curse that their ability has become before punching him and adamantly stating his goal to destroy the Valvraves. Meanwhile, as Cain becomes aware of the New JIORians plans, L-elf manages to successfully break into Lieselotte's prison tower and asks to let herself be rescued.
ファントムは人間から情報原子(ルーン)を吸い上げる悪魔の船だった。その一隻が月に向かっていることを知り、不安を募らせるハルトたち。エルエルフは帰還用のシャトル調達と、捕らわれたジオール人の救出作戦を同時に展開させる。 街への潜入を果たしたエルエルフは、近くにリーゼロッテがいることを察知。単身、彼女の元に向かう。一方ハルトは、捕らわれたジオール人の中に、父の姿を見つけるのだった。
모듈 77이 위험하다는 소식을 들은 멤버들은 구식 로켓을 탈취하여 우주로 돌아가기로 한다. 한편 하루토 일행은 로켓이 준비되는 틈에 근처로 끌려온 지오르인 구출 계획을 세우는데... 지하시설에서 만난 하루토의 아버지는 충격적인 이야기를 늘어놓는다.
El fantasma era una nave del diablo que absorbía átomos de información (runas) de los humanos, sabiendo que uno de ellos se dirigía a la luna, estábamos ansiosos. El Elfo puede desplegar simultáneamente una misión de transbordador para regresar y una operación de rescate para los Jeols capturados al mismo tiempo.