April 1949. Ulla studiert Medizin in Tübingen, als sie von der Verhaftung ihres Vaters erfährt. Er hatte vor Jahren seinem Freund, dem jüdischen Apotheker Julius Rosen, zur Flucht verholfen. Dieser könnte als Leumundszeuge aussagen.
Ulla then exchanges valuables for potatoes for the workers. Ulla wants to study medicine, she is even invited to the entrance exam. Because her father is against it, Tommy helps her to forge his signature. Unexpectedly, the British drive with their Commander Jones to the company's yard. Your order: total dismantling. All machines are to be confiscated. But Jones quickly realizes that Wolf is a decent entrepreneur, not a staunch Nazi. So he leaves Eduard a couple of machines. An opportunity that Walter Böcker, former local group leader of the NSDAP, knows how to use: He made his fortune with forced labor, weapons and ammunition. And now he makes Eduard a tempting offer. But this refuses for the time being. Christel is happy about that, because no one is equal to someone like Böcker, not even her Eduard. June 20, 1948:
Ulla est acceptée à l'école de médecine de Tubingen. Le père de Gundel refuse de la laisser diriger l'entreprise familiale et Gundel cherche à se venger d'Ulla.
Avsnitt 2
47 min
Ulla erbjuder arbetarna byteshandel: värdesaker för potatis. Ulla vill också studera medicin, och blir till och med inbjuden till antagningsproven