Cortex erobert das Schiff und will sie in der Stadt der Maschinen arbeiten lassen. No-No begegnet dort Nanette, der weiblichen Version von ihm und verliebt sich, als er sie zum ersten Mal sieht. Doch bei der Befreiung der Gefangenen, opfert sich Nanette für ihn und er muß die Weiterreise ohne sie antreten.
The Odyssey is drawn off course by an unknown force, and after Ulysses attempts to fly the ship by manual control, Sherka informs him that machines only obey machines. Ulysses and the children are strapped to their seats by Sherka while she continues to obey the unknown controller. Soon, a voice introduces himself as Cortex, chief of the Planet of Machines, and tells them that he wants to keep the Odyssey. Once on the planet, the robot inhabitants begin stripping the Odyssey of its robotic components, including Nono, who catches the attention of a golden female counterpart of his named Nanette. She wants to take him to Cortex, while Ulysses and the children are also removed from the Odyssey. Nanette tells Nono that her people must keep Cortex running otherwise the consequences will be terrible. She tells Nono to forget his human friends, who are kept as exhibits for the machines to look at. Nono rescues Ulysses and the children, and Nanette tells them that Cortex will punish them. Ulys
L'Odysseus est attiré vers une planète géante: Shyrka refuse d'obéir aux ordres d'Ulysse et Nono semble sérieusement endommagé. Sur place, une armada de robot commencent à démonter l'Odysseus pièces par pièces, alors que Nono fait connaissance de Nanette, servante de Cortex, le mystérieux maître de la planète.
Seul Nono, semble en mesure de délivrer nos héros...
La Odisea se ve atraída hacia lo que parece otra dimensión, pero que resulta ser todavía Olimpo. En este mundo, robots y máquinas están vivos y poseen extraños poderes.