「AQUA PROJECT」を利用して邪悪な計画を企む者がいる。エレア(加賀美早紀)が告げたその真相を信じ、世界を救う使命を果たすべく、行動を開始するジンたち。立ち塞がる敵・グラキエスの群れを前に、苦闘するULTRASEVEN X!果たして勝利の時は訪れるのか? そして、この世界を包む謎の闇は晴れるのか? ジン(与座重理久)、エレア,ケイ(脇﨑 智史)やエス(伴杏里)が掴む明日とは一体…!?
There is someone who is using the "AQUA PROJECT" to plot an evil plan. Believing the truth revealed by Elea, Jin and the others take action to fulfill their mission of saving the world. ULTRASEVEN X struggles against the hordes of Grakies, the enemy that stands in their way! Will they ever achieve victory? And will the mysterious darkness that envelops this world be cleared away? What kind of future will Jin, Elea, Kay and Es have in their hands...?