ジン(与座重理久)たちの捜査で、極秘裏に進められていた「AQUA PROJECT」の全貌が判明した。しかしこのプロジェクトは実現しないまま、3ヶ月前に凍結されたという。不可解なことに、この数日間でプロジェクト関係者は、次々と失踪している。すべては3ヶ月前に端を発しているようだ。真相に迫りつつあったその時、エレア(加賀美早紀)がジンたち3人を巻き添えに自爆を遂げる!?
Jin and his friends' investigation uncovers the full story of the "AQUA PROJECT" that was being carried out in secret. However, the project was frozen three months ago without ever coming to fruition. Inexplicably, people involved in the project have been disappearing one after another over the past few days. It all seems to have started three months ago. Just as they are getting closer to the truth, Elea commits suicide, taking Jin and the other two with her!