
ごく平凡な少年・加賀見かずやは、ある日突然現れた着物姿の美少女、桐葉と出会う。 初めて出会ったはずのかずやに「久しいのう」と声をかける桐葉。はたしてその正体は、かずやが亡き母の形見として、片時も離さず持ち歩いていた「帯」の付喪神だった……。 ドSな美少女付喪神の桐葉とともに、次々と起こる怪異事件に立ち向かう「妖怪アクションコメディ」いざ、開幕!

  • 続・つぐもも
  • 継つぐもも
  • つぐもも リミッター解除版
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Season From To Episodes
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Specials January 2020 1
Season 1 April 2017 June 2017 12
Season 2 - 継つぐもも April 2020 June 2020 12
Unassigned Episodes 0
Season From To Episodes
All Seasons
Season 1 April 2017 January 2020 13
Season 2 April 2020 June 2020 12
Unassigned Episodes 0
Absolute ordering places all episodes in a single ordered season. This is generally used for anime.
Season From To Episodes
Season 1 April 2017 June 2020 24
Unassigned Episodes 1

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Manga ⬄ Anime [Series]

1 339 toni kaku

Anime series that have a manga version. The manga medium could be derivated from the serie, base of it or just another adaptation from a common source like a novel, a light novel, a web novel, etc...

Shows On Server

1 98 Haydasaurus

Shows I own and are on my home server

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Ecchi Anime

1 37 toni kaku

Ecchi (エッチ, etchi, pronounced [et.tɕi]) is a slang term in the Japanese language for playfully sexual actions. As an adjective, it is used with the meaning of "sexy", "dirty" or "naughty"; as a verb, ecchi suru (エッチする or Hする) means "to have sex", and as a noun, it is used to describe someone of lascivious behavior. It is softer than the Japanese word ero (エロ from Eros or "erotic"), and does not imply perversion in the way hentai does. The word ecchi has been adopted by western fans of Japanese media to describe works with sexual overtones. In western culture, it has come to be used to refer to softcore or playful sexuality, as distinct from the word hentai, which connotes perversion or fetishism. Works described as ecchi by the western fans do not show sexual intercourse or genitalia, but sexual themes are referenced. Ecchi themes are a type of fan service, and can be found in most comedy shōnen and seinen manga and harem anime.

MC is an Object

1 4 toni kaku

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