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Season 1

  • S01E01 Na làithean mu dheireadh / The last days of the village post office

    • December 15, 2008
    • BBC ALBA

    Aig aon uair, bha na h-oifisean puist aig cridhe na coimhearsnachd, ach tha tòrr dhiubh a-nis dùinte no an impis dùnadh. Seo agaibh sealladh air na làithean mu dheireadh aig ceithir oifisean puist air a' Ghàidhealtachd agus na h-Eileanan. Once the heart of the community, many rural post office have been closed or now face closure. An intimate portrayal of the last days of four post offices in the Highlands and Islands.

  • S01E02 Na Hiortaich Ùr/St Kilda

    • December 22, 2008
    • BBC ALBA

    Air cùl an dealbh romansach, tha sluagh de luchd-tadhail, luchd-amhairc eòin, luchd-obrach an airm, arc-eòlaichean, luchd-ealain agus iomadach duine eile a' tadhail air Hiort an-diugh. Tha am prògram seo a' leantainn samhradh air làrach dualchais an t-saoghail. Real life on the island of St Kilda today accommodates a new population of day trippers, birders, military personnel, archaeologists, artists and many more. Following a summer season on the world heritage site.

  • S01E03 A' Ruith le Raonaid/Meet Rachel

    • December 29, 2008
    • BBC ALBA

    Born a man, Rachel MacNeill has overcome immense psychological and physical change to transform her gender. In celebration of becoming a woman Rachel sets herself a new challenge to run five Scottish marathons.

  • S01E04 Sùil air a' chaitheamh/Meeting victims of the White Plague

    • January 9, 2009
    • BBC ALBA

    Beò as dèidh a bhith fulang galar marbhtach an fhicheadamh linn ann an Alba - A' chaitheamh. Tha feadhainn a dh' fhuiling an galair seo a' cuimhneachadh air an àm a chur iad seachad anns an ospadal, air na drogaichean leighis agus mar a tha an galar air buaidh a thoirt air am beatha. Surviving tuberculosis in 20th century Scotland. Victims of the often deadly disease reflect on their experiences in sanatoria, breakthrough drugs and how the disease has shaped their lives.

  • S01E05 Caismeachd

    • January 12, 2009
    • BBC ALBA

    Bho na gàrraidhean-iarainn ann an Glaschu, agus a¿ chìs cheann, chun a¿chogaidh ann an Iraq. Tha aimhreit air a bhith mar phàirt riatanach de dheamocrasaidh. Tha Babs NicGriogair a¿ coimhead ri aimhreitean ann an Alba agus tha i a¿ bruidhinn ri feadhainn a bha an sàs annta. From the ship yards of Glasgow, the poll tax, and the war against Iraq, protest has been a necessary feature of democracy. Babs Macgregor looks at some important protests from a Scottish perspective.

  • S01E06 Sgeulachd Athair

    • January 19, 2009
    • BBC ALBA

    Tha an t-Urramach Coinneach Dòmhnallach agus a' bhean Reta a' coimhead air ais air an seachd bliadhna fichead a th' air a dhol seachad bho chaidh an nighean Alison air chall anns na h-Innseachan. An creideamh agus a' chinnt a th' aca gu bheil Alison fhathast beò. Rev Kenneth Macdonald and his wife Reta reflect on the 27 years that have passed since their daughter Alison went missing in India. Their faith and the family's believe that Alison is still alive.

  • S01E07 Tadhal Phadraig/St Patrick's Goal

    • January 26, 2009
    • BBC ALBA

    Tha rud sònraichte mu dheidhinn Eaglais Naomh Pàdraig. Tha an eaglais a steidhich club ball coise Hibs agus a tha dòchasach còir fhaighinn air a' chiad Naomh ann an Dun Èideann, air iomairt a chur air bhog gus dà mhillean not a thogail gus an togalach a dhèanamh an àirde. St Patrick's is a church with a difference. Hopeful of claiming Edinburgh's first Saint, the church that also founded Hibs FC has embarked on an unusual campaign to raise the two million pounds needed to restore the building.

  • S01E08 Taigh Neill/Neil's House

    • February 2, 2009
    • BBC ALBA

    Ag ath-bheothachadh dachaigh teaghlaich anns na h-Eileanan Siar. Tha Niall Caimbeul a' lorg cofhurtachd agus dùbhlain ùra agus e ag ath bheothachadh an taigh tughaidh anns an do rugadh e ann am Beinn na Faoghla, a chaidh a thogail an toiseach ann an 1880. Rebuilding a family home in the Western Isles. Neil Campbell finds solace and new challenges in renovating the Benbecula black house he was born in. A family home since 1880 is reborn.

  • S01E09 Fo Chùram

    • April 20, 2009
    • BBC ALBA

    Tha daoine a tha a' gabhail cùram do chuideigin san dachaigh mar Alec Dòmhnallach à Stafainn a bha a' coimhead as dèidh a mhàthair airson trì bliadhna deug a' bruidhinn mu dheidhinn na dùbhlain agus na duilgheadasan a tha an lùib a bhith a' coimhead as dèidh neach san teaghlach làn ùine. Taking on the responsibility of being the prime carer. Carers like Alex Macdonald from Staffin, who cared for his mother for 13 years, talk openly about the challenges, frustrations and often heartbreak of looking after a spouse, parent or sibling in need of full time care at home.

  • S01E10 Dion na h-oidhche/Night workers

    • April 27, 2009
    • BBC ALBA

    Luchd-obrach na h-oidhche - a' cumail sràidean a' bhaile glan agus sàbhailte. Luchd-glanaidh an t-sràid, luchd-obrach CTV, manaidsearan nan clubaichean oidhche agus dràibhearan tacsi ; dìreach feadhainn de na gaisgich a tha cleachdte gu leòr a bhith ag obair ann am bailtean na h-Alba tron oidhche. Night workers keep city streets clean and safe. Street cleaners, CCTV operators, nightclub hosts and taxi drivers are just some of the unsung heroes of the night scene in Scotland's cities.

  • S01E11 Air Arach

    • May 4, 2009
    • BBC ALBA

    Tha am prògram seo anns an t-sreath Ghàidhlig Trusadh a' coimhead ri cuspair uchd-mhacachd tro na sgeulachdan pearsanta aig daoine a chaidh an uchd-mhacachadh iad fhèin no a tha air clann uchd-mhacachadh. Real people, real stories. Looking at the emotive subject of adoption through the stories of people who have adopted children, or were adopted themselves.

  • S01E12 Fuadach nam Minc

    • May 11, 2009
    • BBC ALBA

    Ann an 2001 chaidh pròiseact a chur an sàs airson cur às do na minc a tha a' milleadh an àrainneachd aig na h-eòin a tha neadachadh air an talamh anns na h-eileanan Siar. Tha Trusadh a' leantainn an luchd-obrach agus na daoine a tha air eòlas fhaighinn air na beathaichean seo. In 2001 a project was launched in the Western Isles to eradicate the mink population that was desecrating the ground-nesting bird colonies. The men behind the project and the people that have seen the destruction first hand.

  • S01E13 Clan MacQuarrie

    • May 18, 2009
    • BBC ALBA

    Chaill tòrr am beatha aig muir tron oidhche air an 30mh den Fhaoilleach anns an Stoirm Mhòr. Bhuail an MV Clan MacQuarrie air na creagan far costa Leòdhais air an t-slighe air ais às na h-Innseachan ach chaidh an sgioba gu lèir a shàbhaladh le gaisgich a' bhaile. An dèidh leth-cheud bliadhna, tha an ceangal eadar a' choimhearsnachd agus sgioba an t-soithich fhathast làidir, ceangal a th' air a chomharrachadh tro bhith a' fosgladh ionad coimhearsnachd ùr anns an sgìre. The night of 30 January 1953 saw many lives lost at sea in the Great Storm. The MV Clan Macquarrie returning from India hit on the rocks in a crashing sea off the west coast of Lewis, all the crew were saved in a heroic rescue by local villagers. Fifty years later the link is still strong between the community and the ship's crew, a bond that is celebrated with the opening of a new community centre.

  • S01E14 A Ghealach (The Moon)

    • July 20, 2009
    • BBC ALBA

    A' comharrachadh Bliadhna Eadar-Nàiseanta Speuradaireachd agus ceathrad bliadhna bho choisich mac an duine air a' ghealaich airson a' chiad turas. Sùil air a' bhuaidh a th' aig a' ghealaich air an talamh agus mar a tha siubhal nan speur air ar tuigse a leasachadh. Celebrating the International Year of Astronomy and 40 years since the first moon landing. A look at the moon's effect on our planet and how space exploration has developed our understanding of it.

  • S01E15 Na Cinnidhean/Clans

    • October 19, 2009
    • BBC ALBA

    Dè am pàirt a tha cinnidhean a' cluich san là an-diugh? Le na cinn-cinnidh agus an cinnidhean a' cruinneachadh ann an Dun Èideann, tha Trusadh a' rannsachadh na h-uirsgeulan ceangailte riutha agus a' bhuaidh a th' aig cinnidhean Albannach san dùthaich seo agus thall thairis. What role do the clans play today? As modern-day chiefs and their clans gather in Edinburgh, Trusadh explores the romanticism and myth alongside the modern-day appeal of the Scottish clans to many overseas.

  • S01E16 Uachdaran Bhearnaraigh/Count Robin

    • September 21, 2009
    • BBC ALBA

    Beatha Robin De la Lanne Mirrlees - Tha an neach-naidheachd Iain X MacIomhair a' cur seachad ùine le Count Robin a bha mar dhuine òg gu math beartach agus na charaid de theaghlaichean rìoghail na Roinn Eòrpa. Cuideachd, tha aon de na caractaran anns an leabhar aig Ian Fleming 'On His Majesty's Secret Service' stèidhichte air. An-diugh, chan eil mòran airgid aige agus e a-nis a' fuireach air eilean beag anns h-Eileanan Siar a cheannaich e anns na 60an. The life and times of Robin de la Lanne Mirrlees. Journalist Iain X Maciver spends time with the Count who as a young man with a vast fortune was part of the European royal set and who famously inspired one of Ian Fleming's characters in the Bond novel On His Majesty's Secret Service. Today the Count lives virtually penniless on a small island in the Hebrides which he purchased on a whim in the Sixties.

  • S01E17 Am Prom/Save the Last Dance

    • October 5, 2009
    • BBC ALBA

    Le Proms Ameireaganach a-nis mar phàirt de sgoiltean na h-Alba, tha Trusadh a' cur seachad ùine le deugairean Albannach agus iad ag ullachadh airson oidhche mhòr. Chuireadh na dreasaichean daor, stoidhlichean gruaig agus fiùs na limos eagal air a h-uile pàrant, ach bho Ulapul gu Glaschu, 's e am Prom an oidhche as cudromaich anns a' bhliadhna airson tòrr dhaoine òg. With the American-style school prom now firmly part of Scottish school life, Trusadh spends time with some Scottish teenagers preparing for their big night. Expensive frocks, hair-dos and even limos - often a parent's nightmare but from Ullapool to Glasgow the school prom is the highlight of the year for many young people.

  • S01E18 Mary's Meals

    • September 28, 2009
    • BBC ALBA

    Tha Catriona NicFhionghain a' coimhead air an obair a tha carthannas stèidhichte ann an Earra Ghaidheal a' dèanamh ann an taobh siar Afraga. Thòisich Mary's Meals le dithis bhràithrean ag obair bhon dachaigh ann an Dail Mhàillidh faisg air an Òban agus an-diugh, 's iad aon de na prìomh dhòighean air cobhair fhaighinn a-null a Malawi agus a-nis a Liberia. Catriona Mackinnon looks at the work being done by an Argyll-based charity in west Africa. Started by two brothers working out of their home in Dalmally, near Oban, Mary's Meals has now grown to be an important conduit for aid, first in Malawi and now in Liberia.

  • S01E19 Marag/Stornoway Black Pudding

    • October 26, 2009
    • BBC ALBA

    Iomairt gus Marag Dhubh Steòrnabhaigh a dhìon. Cocairean, bùidsearan agus daoine aig a bheil ùidh ann am biadh a' bruidhinn air gum bu chòir dìon sònraichte a thoirt don Mharag Dhubh leis an Aonadh Eòrpach. The campaign to protect the Stornoway black pudding from imitation. Chefs, butchers and food enthusiasts call for the Marag Dhubh to be given special protection status by the EU.

  • S01E20 Snamh Toirmisgte/Wild Swimming

    • March 22, 2010
    • BBC ALBA

    An tarraing a th' aig snàmh ann an àrainneachd nàdarrach - tha barrachd agus barrachd dhaoine a' seachnadh an amar-snàmh ionadail airson uisgeachan sòilleir agus gu math tric reòite gus snàmh ann an lochan, aibhnichean agus cuantan na h-Alba. A bheil seo math do shlàinte agus do dhòigh-beatha, no dìreach cracte? The attraction of swimming in the wild. More and more people are shunning the bright lights, tiled floors and chemicals of the swimming pool to swim in the clear, refreshing and often freezing natural waters of the lochs, rivers, and seas of Scotland.

Season 3

  • S03E01 Canada - An Turas/The Journey

    • BBC ALBA

    Take the journey of a lifetime from the mystical Hebridean shores of the Isle of Lewis, over the Atlantic to the historical heart of Canada - Prince Edward Island. In this action-packed hour we find out what happens when a group of Gaelic exchange students head out to meet their Canadian counterparts, as they each experience student life, leisure & family as a Canadian. To kick the exchange off the Canadians spend a week on Lewis tracing their lineage and brushing up on their Gaelic. Despite being separated by the mighty Atlantic, these two groups of students might have a lot in common. What will the natives of Prince Edward Island make of the Heather Isle?

  • S03E15 Ag iomradh 's a' tarraing (Coastal Rowing)

    • August 22, 2011
    • BBC ALBA

    B' e toiseach linn ùr a bh'ann dha-rìribh ann am bailtean beaga costa na h-Alba nuair a nochd einnseanan beaga air bàtaichean. Cha robh bàtaichean traidiseanta fiodha a-nise riatanach mar a bha iad air a bhith, agus chrìon an cleachdadh agus leis an sin iomradh. Ach dà bhliadhna air ais dh' atharraich a h-uile càil a tha sin le Pròiseact Iomraidh Costa na h-Alba, agus bàta sònraichte ùr 'kit' - an St Ayles Skiff . Bhon uairsin tha barrachd air 40 choimhearsnachd bho air feadh na dùthcha air a thighinn còmhla gus am bàta aca fhèin a thogail, agus an iomradh ann an aon den iomadach rèis shoithichean a th' air nochdadh mar phàirt den ghluasad. Bheir sinn sùil air an ath-bheothachadh iongantach seo 's sinn a' siubhail fad is farsaing tro Alba, agus leanaidh sinn aon de na buidhnean as ùire à Steòrnabhagh ann an Leòdhas nan turas gus bàta a thogail agus a chur air bhog. The arrival of the outboard engine brought a new way of life to coastal towns throughout Scotland. Traditional wooden boats were no longer necessary and as their use declined, so too did rowing. That is until a couple of years ago, when the Scottish Coastal Rowing Project began with the arrival of a new kit boat called the St Ayles Skiff. Over forty different community groups have come together across Scotland to build their own skiff and then take part in one of the many regattas that have sprung up in their wake. We take a look at the resurgence in coastal rowing throughout Scotland and follow one of the latest groups to get involved in Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis, on their journey to join the ranks.

Season 4

  • S04E01 Ups and Downs

    • October 10, 2011
    • BBC ALBA

    'S e Down Syndrome an cor ginteil as cumanta a th'ann. Tha Downs air 1 anns gach 800 de hàistean a th' air am breith anns an Rìoghachd Aonaichte - àireamh a th' air a bhith seasmhach thar nam bliadhnaichean, a dh' aindeoin a' ghluasaid bho chionn ghoirid le àrdachadh anns na tha de mhàthraichean trom le pàiste Downs, 's iad air taghadh pàiste a bhith aca nas anmoiche nam beatha. Bheir Ups and Downs sùil air na th' air cùl seo, agus seallaidh e air an cothrom beatha a th'aig pàiste le Downs san là 'n-diugh. Am measg na choinnicheas sinn, Galina a tha 13. An coilean i a comas ann am foghlam aig ìre na h-àrd-sgoile? Ged a tha piseach mhòr air a thighinn air foghlam an coimeas ri na bliadhnaichean a dh' fhalbh, tha cultar ann fhathast a tha dol an aghaidh cuid de a thaghaidhean foghlaim. Bruidhnidh a pàrantan, Aonghas agus Gerda, air an dòchasan agus an draghan. Down Syndrome is by far the most common genetically inherited disorder. 1 in 800 babies born in the UK is Downs - a statistic that has remained constant over the decades, in spite of the increased incidence of Downs pregnancies due to mothers having babies later in life. Ups and Downs examines why this should be and, explores the life chances of a Downs baby born today. Amongst those we meet, 13 year old Galina. Will she be able to fulfil her potential in a secondary education? An education, although much more enlightened than in previous decades, that still has a culture opposing some of her educational choices. Parents Aonghas and Gerda discuss their hopes and fears for the future. Ups & Downs will shock, amaze, educate, and hopefully give a greater understanding into the lives of 1 in 800 of our population.

  • S04E19 Ceol Pioba nan Eilean/Island Pipers

    • BBC ALBA

    Three islands steeped in piping tradition - the Isle of Lewis, the Isle of Skye and the Uists. From their solo piping traditions to the pipe bands that are an important part of each of these island communities.

Season 5

  • S05E11 Mnathan na Mara/Women at Sea

    For centuries, a life at sea was very much a man's world. Urban myth suggests that superstitions arose, such as that having a woman on board could bring bad luck to the ship. However, over the years things have slowly changed and there are now many opportunities. Among the women that we meet who made a career on the waves are: Anna Fraser who's just started as a sea cadet in Glasgow; Melanie MacAulay who's a 3rd officer on the MV Isle of Lewis; Eilidh Smith who's planning to take her captain's exams after 11 years at sea; Captain Barbara Campbell, who after 37 years at sea is one of the most experienced female captains in the UK; Mary MacDonald who was a nurse on the cruise ships in the 60s; and Isabelle Law who at 15 works part-time as part on a ferry crew.

Season 6

  • S06E03 Donald and the Cargo Boats

    • BBC ALBA

    Boats have long been a lifeline for the fragile island communities of the Scottish West coast. Amongst those were the Cal mac cargo-boats which served the Inner and Outer Hebrides in the 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s - direct descendants of the famous puffers. Keen model boat builder and Cal mac enthusiast, Donald Meek narrates the story. He has fond recollections of the visits of the likes of the Lochcarron from his days as a young boy in Tiree, and then in Oban while at High school. Weaving beautiful, and little seen archive with these anecdotes and interviews, Donald and the Cargo Boats tells the warm, nostalgic story of these boats and their special place amongst the islanders of the Scottish west coast.

  • S06E04 The Children's Panel

    • BBC ALBA

    Each year thousands of families are helped by the Children's Hearing System, Scotland's unique care and justice system for children and young people who are in trouble or at risk. At its core is the invaluable work of the Children's Panel. But what does the work entail, who are the panel members and what challenges do they face in today's Scotland ? There are currently over 16,000 children in care in Scotland. Many are looked after through foster care, as well as through children's homes and other units run by the local authorities.

Season 7

  • S07E06 Limitless Wilderness/A' Ceannsachadh Ciorram

    • December 8, 2014
    • BBC ALBA

    Scotland's wild and remote landscapes have long been a source of inspiration and enjoyment for a large part of the population. However, the physical barrier of access to many parts of the country has prevented some from experiencing and engaging with these surroundings in an independent and meaningful way. For Scotland's disabled community this has long been an issue, but in recent years a great deal of progress has been made in order to help address this. In Limitless in the Wilderness we'll look at how a new approach to helping people of all abilities reach the most remote of areas and take part in the most demanding of outdoor pursuits is taking hold across Scotland. We'll also look at how new technology is helping to increase these levels of participation and meet some of those who have benefitted as a result.

  • S07E22 An Àird/Off Radar

    • BBC ALBA

    On an isolated headland in the Outer Hebrides an unconventional community is on a mission to purchase an abandoned Cold War radar Base. From a quiet crofting outpost to a Cold War listening post monitoring sky and sea, to one one of Britain's most ususal modern day communities, or some might say - including themselves - 'Curiousities'! Amongst the 30 or so pioneers who have come from far and wide in pursuit of new a different kind of life are Jill, a RADA trained actress, who now works as an artist and writer, and Martin and Elaine who gave up professional jobs to start a cliff-top gardening business. We followed the newly formed Gallan Head Community Trust on Lewis - one of Britain's most unusual modern day communities - over 6 months as they attempted to come up with a plan for the headland and the abandoned R10 buildings and negotiate a sale.

Season 8

  • S08E01 Dòtaman aig 30/Dòtaman at 30

    • October 5, 2015
    • BBC ALBA

    Dòtaman aig 30 - a colourful celebration of the iconic Gaelic children's programme as it celebrates its thirtieth year. It is 30 years since BBC Scotland broadcast the first episode of a new Gaelic children's TV show, Dòtaman. Little did anyone know of the success the show and its iconic presenter, Donnie 'Dòtaman' MacLeod, would enjoy, as it became one of the most famous Gaelic brands on TV! Famed for its trademark hats, wonderful storytelling, colourful outfits and catchy songs, which Donnie made his own with his trusty guitar, over 400 episodes were made of the series over 16 years. This nostalgic and warm hour-long anniversary programme hears from Donnie and the team behind the show, as we explore what made it the success it was. With new renditions of Dòtaman classics and contributions from celebrity fans Michelle MacManus and Des Clarke, amongst others, we discover how Dòtaman appealed to all and enjoyed a true cult status in Scottish culture - even making it to the Edinburgh Fringe!

  • S08E04 Cothrom nam Ban/Where Are the Women?

    • August 17, 2015
    • BBC ALBA

    Le boireannach na Prìomh Mhinistear ann an Alba airson a' chiad uair a-riamh, agus iomadach boireannach eile aig àrd ìre ann am poilitigs agus nar coimhearnsachdan, tha sinn a' toirt sùil dhlùth air co-ionannachd airson boireannaich ann an Alba. Tha ùidh mhòir air a bhith aig Cairistiona Nic Chonghail ann an sgeulachd nam boireannach ann an Alba fad greis a-nis. Leig i dheth a dreuchd mar neach-teagaisg aig oiltihigh Obar Dheathain bho chionn ghoirid, agus tha i a-nise a' gabhail turas sònraichte tron dùthaich agus a' meòrachadh air na h-atharrachaidhean a bh'ann san linn a dh'fhalbh - gu h-eachdraidheil agus nar coimhearsnachdan - agus a' faighneachd dè an t-slighe a th' air thoiseach? Ann an Sealtainn aig an fhèis bhliadhnail teine, Up Helly Aa, tha an Guizer Jarl os cionn treubh Lochlannaich fhiadhaich. Son a' chiad uair a-riamh air aon eilean 's e boireanach, Lesely Simpson, a tha a' faighinn na h-urraim seo. Tha Cairistiona cuideachd a' dèanamh air an Eilean Sgitheanach far a bheil clann-nigheann an eilein a' toirt buaidh shònraichte air spòrs a bha riamh air fhaicinn mar saoghal nam fear - iomain. At a time when Scotland has its first ever female first minister, and when many other women are leading the way in politics and in our society generally, we take a look at the issue of equality for women in 2015. Christina McGonigle, who recently retired from her job as a lecturer at the University of Aberdeen, has long had an interest in the role of women in Scottish society and embarks on a special road trip to explore what's changed in the last century, both historically and culturally, and asks what the way ahead is. In Shetland, at the annual Up Helly Aa fire festival, the guizer jarl leads a fearsome squad of Vikings. For the first time ever on one island, this hugely prestigious role will be taken by a woman, Lesely Simpson. Christina also heads for Skye, where women are truly making their sporting mark in the previously male-d

  • S08E05 Rathad-Iarainn na Gaidhealtachd/The Highland Railway

    • November 30, 2015
    • BBC ALBA

    Thig an cois Alasdair MhicChaluim, a bha a-riamh air a bheò-ghlacadh le trèanaichean, agus e a' gabhail cuairt shònraichte air Rathad-Iarainn na Gàidhealtachd gus sgeulachd an lìonra ainmeil innse is e a' comharrachadh 150 bliadhna ann an 2015. Tha na loidhnichean seo a' ruith à Peairt tro Inbhir Nis, dhan Ear gu Baile Chè, gu tuath a dh' Inbhir Ùige agus a dh' Inbhir Theòrsa, agus an uairsin a-null gu Caol Loch Aillse san Iar. Còmhla 's iad aon den chruinneachaidhean de ròideaniarainn as bòidhche agus as iomallaiche san Roinn Eòrpa. Air an t-slighe coinnichidh Alasdair ri eòlaichean, luchd-eachdraidh, innleadairean, agus cuid eile a tha a cheart cho dèideil air na ròideaniarainn, agus bheir e sgeulachd an lìonra iongantach seo beò. Bho na dùbhlain mòra innleadaireachd a bh' ann, gun bhuaidh mhòr a thug e air coimhearsnachdan na Gàidhealtachd. Rathad-Iarainn na Gàidhealtachd - sgeulachd lìonra rèile a tha dha-rìribh sònraichte ann an iomadh dòigh. Join railway enthusiast Alasdair MacCalum on a special journey of discovery on the Highland Railway as he tells the story of this famous network which celebrates its 150th anniversary in 2015. The series of lines run from Perth to Inverness, then out east towards Keith, north up to Wick and Thurso and across to Kyle of Lochalsh in the west. Together they make up one of the most stunning and isolated railway systems in Europe. Along the way, Alasdair meets historians, experts, engineers and fellow enthusiasts and brings this amazing railway's story to life. From the enormous engineering feats needed to build it to the massive impact that it had on the Highland communities, this programme tells the story of a railway that is unique in many different ways.

  • S08E08 Taighean Sinc/Zinc Houses

    • October 26, 2015
    • BBC ALBA

    Zinc houses have long been a part of the Scottish rural landscape. They can be seen dotted around the islands of the Western Isles - their natural, simple forms and colours fitting effortlessly into the island environment. Their story, though, is a bigger one, that had an impact on a worldwide scale. Ewan MacKinnon is a builder who is originally from South Uist, but who now lives and works in Glasgow. He recalls how they impacted on his own life - good and bad - and takes a nostalgic and fascinating trip of discovery. When they started to get built in the mid and early 19th century, it was considered to be the best technology of the day, and the appeal of these designs saw buildings built for royalty and also exported overseas. We meet those who still live in them and hear about the many churches and schools which were made from zinc all over the country. We also see how their legacy lives on in the form of new modern designs, inspired by these iconic Scottish buildings - zinc houses.

  • S08E12 Mach Leis a' Cheo/Take It Outside

    • BBC ALBA

    Smoking is the primary preventable cause of ill health and premature death in this country, and each year tobacco use is associated with around a quarter of all deaths and over 50,000 hospital admissions. Annual costs to Scotland's health service from tobacco-related illnesses may be higher than £500 million each year, so the ban made total sense - but it wasn't without it's doubters. We explore Glasgow's intrinsic link through the tobacco industry of the 18th century, and lifelong smokers Iain MacAulay and Carina MacLeod talk about their own experience.

  • S08E16 Am Pàipear/The News of the Southern Isles

    • August 8, 2016
    • BBC ALBA

    A look back at the story of the acclaimed, award winning community newspaper, 'Am Pàipear' as it celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2016. As well as charting the story of how it all begun in South Uist in 1976, we meet those who have contributed and played a part in the story of the paper up to the present day. When it was set up the aim was to give the community a voice to reflect the fast changing landscape of the islands at the times. The paper has been instrumental in highlighting key issues that have impacted the community over the decades. This programme looks at how 'Am Pàipear' has reflected the changing community view in relation to these major events, including the influx of the military presence, changes in education and health provision, matters pertaining to the land and environment, as well as maintaining a unique island humour in its perspective. Amongst those taking part - Jean Branagan, Mike Russell, Ruaraidh 'Poker' Macdonald, Andrew McMorrine, Archie MacKay, Floraidh MacLean, Helen Forbes, Flora MacLean, Wilma Duncan, Father Colin MacInnes, Ena MacDonald, Christine MacIntyre, Ronald MacInnes and Iain Stephen Morrison. A fascinating look at how 'Am Pàipear' begun and has developed. Narrated by Angela MacEachan.

Season 9

Season 10

  • S10E01 Nar Lamhan Fhin/In Our Own Hands

    • August 13, 2018
    • BBC ALBA

    2018 is a historic year for community land ownership in Scotland. It marks 25 years since the Assynt crofters took ownership of their own land, and their own destinies. They were pioneers, and since then almost 50 community buyouts have followed in Scotland. Indeed land reform changes in Scotland have also seen inner-city community buyouts become a reality more recently. Land ownership in Scotland, and in particular in the Highlands and Islands, has a long and turbulent history, stretching right back to the Highland clearances. We look at the story of Scotland’s community land ownership, and the ongoing challenges facing the communities that have chosen this path. Amongst those we visit are Assynt, Eigg, Glendale in Skye, Gigha, Galson in Lewis, and Barmulloch in Glasgow. At the heart of each initiative is regeneration - creating opportunities, jobs, and improving people’s lives. While there are many benefits, it’s not without its difficulties.

Season 11

  • S11E14 Bogha-froise (Pride)

    • October 7, 2019
    • BBC ALBA

    Anns an Dàmhair 2018 thachair a’ chiad chaismeachd ‘Pròis’ a-riamh anns na h-Eileanan an Iar ann an Steòrnabhagh - là de thoileachas agus de thaic do dhaoine bhon choimhearsnachd LGDTC+. Seallaidh sinn air mar a tha iomairtean leithid nan Caismeachdan Pròis a’ toirt seachad dòchas a thaobh co-ionannachd agus in-ghabhaltas, agus cluinnidh sinn sgeulachdan bhon fheadhainn sa choimhearsnachd ann an Alba san là an-diugh. October 2018 saw the first Pride March in Stornoway in the Western Isles, a day of celebration to support people who are LGBTC+. We explore how events like the Pride Parades are giving hope to the idea of equality and inclusion, and hear the stories of those in the community in Scotland today.

Season 14

  • S14E14 Na Ceudanaich/The Centenarians

    A long-lived person sees many things. In this programme, we meet people who have reached 100 years of age to find out what kind of lives they have lived and what changes they have seen. They have witnessed many improvements in their own communities in terms of housing, electricity and running water coming to the villages and they have also lived through a time when crofting and fishing were a pivotal part of daily life. They have seen great developments in terms of health care, with the NHS being established, and most importantly, they are the last generation who have first hand memories of the Second World War. Amongst others, we speak to the exceptional storyteller, Willie Macleod from Stornoway, who as a young man, was part of the salvage team when the well-known SS Politician, which was full of whisky, ran aground close to Eriskay in 1941.