'S e Down Syndrome an cor ginteil as cumanta a th'ann. Tha Downs air 1 anns gach 800 de hàistean a th' air am breith anns an Rìoghachd Aonaichte - àireamh a th' air a bhith seasmhach thar nam bliadhnaichean, a dh' aindeoin a' ghluasaid bho chionn ghoirid le àrdachadh anns na tha de mhàthraichean trom le pàiste Downs, 's iad air taghadh pàiste a bhith aca nas anmoiche nam beatha. Bheir Ups and Downs sùil air na th' air cùl seo, agus seallaidh e air an cothrom beatha a th'aig pàiste le Downs san là 'n-diugh. Am measg na choinnicheas sinn, Galina a tha 13. An coilean i a comas ann am foghlam aig ìre na h-àrd-sgoile? Ged a tha piseach mhòr air a thighinn air foghlam an coimeas ri na bliadhnaichean a dh' fhalbh, tha cultar ann fhathast a tha dol an aghaidh cuid de a thaghaidhean foghlaim. Bruidhnidh a pàrantan, Aonghas agus Gerda, air an dòchasan agus an draghan. Down Syndrome is by far the most common genetically inherited disorder. 1 in 800 babies born in the UK is Downs - a statistic that has remained constant over the decades, in spite of the increased incidence of Downs pregnancies due to mothers having babies later in life. Ups and Downs examines why this should be and, explores the life chances of a Downs baby born today. Amongst those we meet, 13 year old Galina. Will she be able to fulfil her potential in a secondary education? An education, although much more enlightened than in previous decades, that still has a culture opposing some of her educational choices. Parents Aonghas and Gerda discuss their hopes and fears for the future. Ups & Downs will shock, amaze, educate, and hopefully give a greater understanding into the lives of 1 in 800 of our population.