Eine mächtige Magie fließt unterhalb der Schule. Arata und die anderen begeben sich ins Labyrinth, um die Schule vor dem Zerfallsphänomen zu schützen.
Another Breakdown Phenomenon happens again in the academy, as shown by people with low magical capabilities falling asleep due to the disturbance. Lilith, Arata, Levy, and the Grimoire Security go to see the principle of the academy to figure out the source. It's learned that the cause of the Breakdown Phenomenon is Yui, a member of the Trinity Seven, losing control of her magic. After that, Lilith, Arata and Levy try to catch up with the Grimoire Security as they go to the source of Breakdown Phenomenon, in the academy's dungeon. After Arata, Arin, Lilith and Levi go through the dungeon, they run into Mira and Akio and stop them from advancing. To buy time, Levy challenges Akio to a one-on-one fight, while Arata, Arin and Lilith go on ahead to Yui's room. Arata's magic resonate with the magic of the code D monster found in the room and falls down to his feet. When the Grimoire Security arrived, Lilith and Arin together with the Grimoire Security proceeds on to fight the monster. After having a conversation with Levy, Arata is able to properly use the magic that he copied from Lilith to successfully stop the Breakdown Phenomenon caused by Yui. After waking up, Yui immediately hugs Arata and repeatedly shows her affection to him.
Un nouveau phénomène étrange s'est produit à l'académie de magie. Afin de trouver le responsable et mettre fin au trouble, nos héros doivent se rendre dans la zone la plus dangereuse de l'école... Arata parviendra-t-il à maîtriser son pouvoir ?
モンスターどもを倒し、最深部にたどり着いたとき、異変が起こる。「ぐあああっ! なんだ、この力は!?」アラタの背にドラゴンの翼が!
Un nuevo fenómeno de colapso toma efecto y Arata y las demás chicas tratarán de solucionarlo. Todo proviene del calabozo subterráneo de la escuela. En esta entrega Arata aprenderá que no basta solo con estar en necesidad para poder usar su poder.
La scuola è di nuovo nei guai ed Arata e gli altri decidono di addentrarsi nel labirinto per poter salvare l'istituto dall'ormai prossimo fenomeno di decadimento.