Thirteen-year-old Ra'Nell finds he has to "step up and be a man" when his mother Lisa has a breakdown and is hospitalised. At the same time his mum's friend Heather, enlists his help in a dangerous plan she has concocted to give her unborn baby the chances she never had - "even if it means doing one wrong thing to get to the right place."
Itä-Lontoon Hackneyssa käydään jatkuvaa valtataistelua huumebisneksen herruudesta. Dushane aikoo vallata markkinat. Houkutus on suuri, mutta 13-vuotias Ra'Nell yrittää pysyä erossa jengeistä ja aineista.
Deux dealers d'une cité de l'est de Londres mènent un petit commerce florissant au pied de leurs immeubles.
Dushane e il suo amico Sully gestiscono un fiorente giro di droga clandestino nei cortili di Summerhouse Estate.
Nos átrios e pátios do bairro social Summerhouse, um negócio secreto de droga está em franco crescimento, pelas mãos de Dushane e do seu amigo Sully.
Op de binnenplaatsen van Summerhouse wordt een bloeiende, maar ondergrondse drugshandel geleid door Dushane en zijn vriend Sully.
Dushane und sein Kumpel Sully leiten vom Summerhouse Estate aus ein florierendes aber verstecktes Drogengeschäft. (Text: Netflix)