In the third episode the witnesses of Tito's testament speak about the time of Tito's illegal activity of 1940 to 1941. That was the time of 5th World Conference that was taking place in Zagreb completely illegal, the time of military attack in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, many demonstrations, promulgation of Independent State of Croatia, consolidation of Croatian fascist organization's terror, consolidation of Intellectual's and Communist's Resistance Movement, organizing of Party's forceful consolidation under the leadership of Josip Broz, to the final public acclamation and avocation of the people of Yugoslavia to stand up against the enemy. At that time Tito and Herta Hass as a couple live together in their own house around Zagreb, in May 1941 their son Mišo Aleksandar was born, concurrently when Tito was leaving from Zagreb to Belgrade because of armed outbreak that has been started.
Treća epizoda dokumentarne serije "Tito - Posljednji svjedoci testamenta" Lordana Zafranovića, pod naslovom "Praskozorje", govori o vremenu Titovog ilegalnog djelovanja tijekom 1940. i 1941. godine. To je vrijeme kad se u Zagrebu održava 5. zemaljska konferencija, vrijeme vojnog udara u Kraljevini Jugoslaviji, brojnih demonstracija, proglašenja NDH i jačanja ustaškog terora, jačanja pokreta otpora komunista i intelektualaca, do njihovog konačnog javnog proglasa i poziva na oružani ustanak. Titu i Herti Hass u svibnju 1941. rađa se sin Mišo Aleksandar, istodobno kad Tito odlazi iz Zagreba u Beograd.