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Season 1

  • S01E01 Why Elephant Has A Trunk

    • January 10, 2011
    • CBeebies

    You see there was a time when Elephant had no nose. He couldn't swat away the flies, or scrub his belly - he couldn't even blow his nose. Then one day snappy Crocodile snapped! Crocodile pulled and he pulled and he pulled - until ker-doing! Crocodile let go and Elephant's nose was all long and wiggly! And that's why Elephant has a trunk. Tales from Africa.

  • S01E02 Why Snake Has No Legs

    • January 11, 2011
    • CBeebies

    You see there was a time when Snake did have legs - hundreds and hundreds of them. But poor old Snake had no eyes, not a single one. Then on the day of the great Tinga Tinga Festival of Colours, Snake quite literally bumped into Millipede, who was stuck in a hole. They decided to swap eyes and legs just for one day, so that Snake could see all the wonderful colours and Millipede could run all over Tinga Tinga. But when Snake came back to return Millipede's eyes, Millipede couldn't be found anywhere! So to this day, Snake has no legs.

  • S01E03 Why Hippo Has No Hair

    • January 12, 2011
    • CBeebies

    You see there was a time when Hippo did have hair - lots of hair! She was always harrumphingly hot. Then one hot night while Hippo was sleeping, a spark from the fire caught the end of her hairy tail. Hippo was on fire! She ran through the bush until she jumped in the waterhole. From that day on Hippo stayed in the cool waters without a single hair on her hide. Tales from Africa.

  • S01E04 Why Hen Pecks at the Ground

    • January 14, 2011
    • CBeebies

    You see, there was a time when Hen didn't peck the ground. She was a proud mother who spent all her time looking after and cleaning her chicks. Fancy pancy Peacock upset Mama Hen and made her feel plain.

  • S01E05 Why Bat Hangs Upside Down

    • January 17, 2011
    • CBeebies

    You see there was a time when Bat didn't hang upside down. He used to fly all over Tinga Tinga, saying 'Boo!' to all the animals and giving them a fright. Nothing could be more fun for Bat. But one day Bat went too far and the animals decided to give Bat a dose of his own medicine. Tales from Africa.

  • S01E06 Why Warthog is So Ugly

    • January 18, 2011
    • CBeebies

    You see, there was a time when Warthog was really rather handsome. And did he know it! He strutted around Tinga Tinga as if he owned the place. All the animals were fed up with Warthog's boasting, and then one day Lion decided to give chase. Yikes! Warthog ran headfirst into Porcupine's burrow! After that, he was no longer the prettiest beast in Tinga Tinga.

Season 2

  • S02E01 Why Monkeys Swing in the Trees

    • January 20, 2011
    • CBeebies

    You see there was a time when Monkey used to play on the ground and he loved to wind up Crocodile. One day the big rains came and Monkey became stranded up a mango tree. Nasty Crocodile promised to take him to dry land but only in exchange for his heart! So Monkey tricked Crocodile, and when Crocodile found out that Monkey swapped his heart for a measly mango, he chased Monkey up a tree. From that day on Monkey swings in the trees keeping well clear of Crocodile's angry snaps.

Season 3

  • S03E01 Why Tortoise Has a Broken Shell

    • January 13, 2011
    • CBeebies

    You see there was a time when Tortoise's shell was all shiny and smooth. One day Tortoise discovered the birds were having a Feast in the Heavens and he tricked the Birds into making him a pair of wings. Greedy Tortoise raced the birds beyond the clouds and scoffed the whole feast! When the Birds found out Tortoise had to jump off a cloud until - BOOF! He landed on his shiny shell. All the animals pieced Tortoise's shell back together but from that day on Tortoise's shell was all bumpy and broken and he never moved speedily again. Tales from Africa.

  • S03E02 Why Lizard Hides Under Rocks

    • January 31, 2011
    • CBeebies

    You see there was a time when Lizard didn't hide under rocks. He would scamper around Tinga Tinga pinching other animals' food and keeping it all for himself. Then one day the animals decided to give greedy Lizard a dose of his own medicine. When Lizard realised the error of his ways, he ran and hid under a rock, too ashamed to show his face in Tinga Tinga.

  • S03E03 Why Crocodile Has a Bumpy Back

    • February 1, 2011
    • CBeebies

    There was a time when Crocodile didn't have a bumpy back. His skin was smooth and he had to be careful of the hot Tinga Tinga sun. One day while napping, Crocodile got sunburnt and fell into a deep sleep. Lion warned the animals to be on their guard as the wildebeest had returned and could stampede at any moment. Crocodile missed the meeting, snoring under the hot sun. The animals tried to warn snappy Crocodile, but it was too late and the wildebeest stampeded over him. From that day on, Crocodile has had a bumpy back and has been grumpier and snappier than ever.

  • S03E04 Why Hare Hops

    • February 3, 2011
    • CBeebies

    You see there was a time when Hare did not hop. He was one of the speediest animals in Tinga Tinga but none of the other animals wanted to race with him because Hare always won and it was boring. Then one day, slow-but-clever Tortoise decided to challenge Hare. At first Hare could not believe his luck, but then Tortoise won and he won and he won. When Hare realised it is not such fun being on the losing end, Tortoise let him hop past the finishing line in first place.

  • S03E05 Why Mosquito Buzzes

    • February 4, 2011
    • CBeebies

    Mosquito's tales send the whole of Tinga Tinga into a complete panic, so the animals decide to tie a grass around Mosquito's tail. From that day on Mosquito buzzes and everyone can swot her away rather than listen to her gossipy tales.

  • S03E06 Why Rhino Charges

    • February 7, 2011
    • CBeebies

    You see there was a time when Rhino didn't charge and he couldn't see very well at all. Poor old Rhino really wanted to be invited to the Dance of the Horns up on the plains with Buffalo and all the other horned animals. But Rhino didn't have a horn, so he wasn't allowed. The Monkeys decided to help Rhino and made him a horn from a piece of old wood. But when Rhino woke up, he didn't know what it was. 'Aargh! Thing on the end of my nose! CHAAaarge!' And that's why Rhino charges.

Season 4

  • S04E01 Why Lion Roars

    • February 9, 2011
    • CBeebies

    You see there was a time when Lion had lost his roar. Crocodile was snapping at all the animals in Tinga Tinga and ruling over the Waterhole. Lion could do nothing about it as he had lost his roar. Then one day Flea told Lion that if Lion dares to enter the Great Cave of Tinga Tinga, maybe he will find his roar. Lion plucked up his courage and confronted the Great Cave. He roared with all his might. An even bigger roar came back, but Lion stood strong. He roared again and an even bigger roar came back. Lion's very own Echo! He found his roar! From that day on Lion has always roared with pride, showing any beast who's the real King of Tinga Tinga.

  • S04E02 Why Owl's Head Turns All the Way Round

    • January 19, 2011
    • CBeebies

    You see there was a time when Owl's head didn't turn all the way round. She had tiny little eyes and tiny little ears, and she found it very hard to stay awake. Then one day all the mangoes started disappearing in Tinga Tinga. Against all the animals' better judgement, Owl was ordered to watch over the mango tree - but the mangoes kept disappearing. Desperate to catch the thief, Owl stretched and strained to see who was stealing the precious mangoes, until Ker Shwing! Her head turned all the way round and she saw who it was - it was the ants! From that day on Owl was made the official night guard of Tinga Tinga.

  • S04E03 Why Tickbird Sits on Hippo's Back

    • January 15, 2011
    • CBeebies

    You see there was a time when Tickbird didn't sit on Hippo's back, in fact they weren't friends at all! Tickbird was sick of Hippo splashing all the time. One day tiny Tickbird challenged big Hippo to a contest - who can drink the most water in a single gulp? Tickbird outwitted Hippo by using the tides, and from that day she has been allowed to sit on Hippo's back and pick off all the yummy ticks she can eat! Tales from Africa.

  • S04E04 Why Frog Croaks

    • January 22, 2011
    • CBeebies

    You see there was a time when Frog didn't croak. Frog sang like a bird and the birds didn't like it. Birds were the masters of song and that's the way it should be! So the birds tricked poor old Frog into a singing duel and sang and sang and sang until poor old Frog's voice was reduced to a ribbit. Tales from Africa.

  • S04E05 Why Vulture is Bald

    • January 26, 2011
    • CBeebies

    You see there was time when Vulture was not bald. Oh no, Vulture's head was covered in a beautiful crown of golden plumage! Vain Vulture never shut up about her golden feathers and was obsessed about making them as golden as the sun! One day Vulture decided to fly up to the sun, but her precious feathers got burnt! Vulture decided to soothe her smoking feathers with golden honey, which she stole from the bees. The bees were not pleased and Vulture stuck her head down Aardvark's burrow. However, Aardvark loves feathers all covered in honey and when Vulture surfaced, she was as bald as, well, as a Vulture!

  • S04E06 Why Giraffe Has a Long Neck

    • January 27, 2011
    • CBeebies

    You see there was a time when Giraffe didn't have a long neck. Her neck was all short and stumpy, and she was a very delicate eater. All the food in Tinga Tinga seemed to make her tummy go funny. Then one day Lion suggested she try some honey. With the Bees' permission, Giraffe tried to lick the honey, but it was deep, deep inside the tree. Giraffe squeezed her head into the honey tree and then - eeeek! Her head got stuck! Summer, autumn and winter passed by with Giraffe's head stuck inside the tree, but she was quite happy because the honey was so delicious. The tree grew and Giraffe's neck got longer and longer! After a whole year 'POP!' she managed to pull herself free, and from that day on Giraffe has a very long neck and can eat the freshest leaves on the very tops of the trees! Tales from Africa.