Kotetsu will Barnaby gestehen, dass er sich zur Ruhe setzen will, doch er wird von der Nachricht unterbrochen, dass Kriem aus dem Koma erwacht ist.
As Kotetsu tries to work up the courage to announce he's retiring, Barnaby goes to see Kriem, who has awakened from a coma she was in since the Jake incident. She talks about how Jake saved her when she ostracized by her friends and family for being a NEXT. She reveals that Jake wasn't the one who killed Barnaby's parents, as he was with her on the day they were killed, before committing suicide. Barnaby goes into denial, saying he remembers clearly about his parents' death, but some video research shows differences between reality and Barnaby's memory. Upon this revelation, Barnaby's memory of the murderer's face keeps changing and he starts to doubt if he should continue being a hero, giving Kotetsu no room to tell him about his own intention to quit. Meanwhile, Kaede's trying to deal with her NEXT power, the ability to copy the power of any NEXT she's touched.
Kriem est enfin sortie du coma et elle veut parler à Barnaby. Celui-ci se rue à son chevet pour en apprendre davantage sur Jake, mais les déclarations de la jeune fille vont remettre en question toutes ses certitudes. Barnaby doute, ses souvenirs s'emmêlent... Ce qui n'arrange pas du tout les affaires de Kotetsu qui a bien du mal à trouver le moment opportun pour lui annoncer son départ.
자신만만하게 은퇴선언을 하겠다고 가족과 약속한 코테츠. 그러나 바나비의 눈치를 보느라 막상 이야기를 꺼낼 기회조차 잡지 못 한다. 그때, 제이크 사건 이후 의식불명이었던 크림이 눈을 떴다는 소식에 바나비와 함께 병원으로 향하는데...
Kotetsu cerca di dire a Barnaby che sta per andare in pensione, ma è interrotto dalla notizia che Kriem è uscita dal coma.
Cuando Kotetsu intenta decirle a Barnaby que se va a jubilar, recibe la noticia de que Kriem se despertó del coma.
Kotetsu tenta contar a Barnaby que vai se aposentar, mas é interrompido pela notícia de que Kriem saiu do coma.