Jake fordert die Helden zum Kampf heraus. Wenn er verliert, will er sich stellen. Doch wenn er gewinnt, will er einen weiteren Stützpfeiler der Stadt zerstören.
Barnaby attempts to confront Jake, but he manages to escape when Kotetsu charges in, causing Barnaby to lose trust in him. Ivan, who had been forced to act as a decoy in the form of Jake, is recovered and sent to the hospital. Jake challenges the heroes in a series of one-on-one fights, promising to surrender if he loses, but blow up the city's support columns if he wins. The first two heroes, Keith "Sky High" Goodman and Antonio "Rock Bison" Lopez, are easily defeated by Jake's ability to produce barriers. As Ivan reveals to the higher ups that Ouroboros' Kriem is controlling the Mad Bears piloting the mechs, Kotetsu fights a one-sided battle against Jake and ends up seriously injured. Agnes manages to delay the next match until morning to give the higher ups time to set up a jamming signal for the mechs. As Barnaby prepares for his match, Jake announces he'll destroy half the city if Barnaby loses.
Ivan (Origami Cyclone) s'est fait démasquer par Jake Martinez. Barnaby et Kotetsu se rendent à l'entrepot où le signal d'Ivan s'est arrêté. Il réussissent à le sauver mais Jake Martinez s'enfuit à cause de l'intervention de Kotetsu. Barnaby s'offusque de voir que Kotetsu n'a pas du tout confiance en refusant de le laisser seul sur une mission.
제이크의 아지트로 잠입하게 된 오리가미는 잠깐의 실수로 정체가 들통나 인질로 사로잡히고 만다. 그를 구하기 위해 바나비와 타이거가 적진에 들어가지만 호흡이 맞지 않아 제이크를 놓치고 마는데... 그리고 몇 시간 후, 제이크는 히어로들에게 슈테른 빌트의 운명을 건 세븐 매치를 제안한다.
Jake sfida in combattimento ciascuno degli eroi: se perde si arrenderà, ma in caso di vittoria distruggerà una colonna portante della città.
Jake desafía a los héroes a pelear con él. Su apuesta: si pierde, se rendirá, y si gana, destruirá uno de los pilares de soporte de la ciudad.
Jake desafia todos os heróis à luta, dizendo que se renderá caso perca, mas que destruirá a coluna que sustenta a cidade caso ganhe.