Kotetsu muss auf ein Baby aufpassen, das Gefallen an der burschikosen Dragon Kid findet. Am nächsten Tag sind sowohl Dragon Kid als auch das Baby verschwunden.
The heroes are tasked to keep guard on the Mayor's baby who is also a NEXT with strong telekinectic powers, who soon becomes attached to Pao-Lin "Dragon Kid" Huang. Pao-Lin and the baby stay for the night at Barnaby's house, where Barnaby finally shares with Kotetsu all he found about Ouroboros, the criminal organization involved with his parents' death. On the next day, the duo find that Pao-Lin and the child were kidnapped by a trio of NEXT criminal sisters who demand ransom for them. With the baby's help, Pao-Lin manages to subdue the criminals, but the sight of Kotetsu holding one of the sisters' tasers makes Barnaby remember the face of the man tho killed his parents face and he leaves the scene in a rush.
Dragon Kid a du mal à apparaître sous un jour mignon et féminin. Ses parents lui ont offert une barrette à fleurs, mais elle refuse catégoriquement de la porter. Si bien que quand sa supérieure lui conseille de laisser un peu plus fleurir son charme, les mots sont particulièrement mal choisis. Pendant ce temps, Kotetsu est appelé par Agnès pour une urgence. Quand il apprend qu'il s'agit de garder le bébé du maire, il n'est pas vraiment ravi. D'autant que le courant ne passe pas vraiment entre le bébé et lui, au contraire de Dragon Kid. En effet, la jeune femme charme le bambin...
부잣집 자녀를 노리는 유괴사건으로 흉흉한 요즘, 코테츠는 시장님의 특별 지시로 시장님의 아들을 돌보게 된다. 그러나 울며 넥스트 능력을 발동하는 아기 때문에 돌보기가 영 쉽지 않았는데... 모든 히어로들이 학을 떼는 가운데, 평소 선머슴 같던 드래곤 키드가 베이비 시터로서의 자질을 보인다!
Kotetsu è incaricato di fare da babysitter a un neonato, che prende in simpatia un maschiaccio di nome Dragon Kid. Il giorno dopo, la ragazza e il bebè scompaiono.
Kotetsu tiene que cuidar a un bebé y este se encariña con una masculina chica llamada Dragon Kid. Al día siguiente, Dragon Kid y el bebé desaparecen.
Kotetsu é designado para cuidar de um bebê, que faz amizade com uma garota conhecida como Dragon Kid. No dia seguinte, ela e a criança desaparecem.