Yoma Hashimoto is recruited as a male model, and becomes quite successful, but also narcissistic and obsessed about his body shape. He encounters Rohan at the gym and after competing against him, becomes even more obsessive about his training. Eventually, he steals money from his girlfriend Mika to buy more equipment and she throws him out. At the gym, Rohan challenges Yoma to a contest on two treadmills in which the first to reach 25kph can grab the remote control and stop their machine. Rohan beats Yoma, who demands a rematch. This time, Yoma intimidates Rohan, and when he tries to grab the remote early, Yoma breaks three of Rohan’s fingers.
Gravement blessé à la main, Rohan s'en veut de s'être laissé entraîner dans une stupide compétition avec un mannequin dans la salle de sport d'un hôtel.
Dopo aver riportato gravi ferite alla mano, Rohan incolpa se stesso per aver accettato una folle sfida con un modello nella palestra di un hotel.
Rohan, con serias heridas en la mano, se arrepiente de haber participado en una ridícula competencia contra un modelo en el gimnasio del hotel.
Als Rohan sich schwer an der Hand verletzt, gibt er sich selbst die Schuld, weil er es im Fitnessraum eines Hotels dummerweise mit einem Model aufnehmen wollte.
Com a mão machucada, Rohan se sente culpado por entrar em uma competição boba com um modelo na academia de um hotel.
Rohan lesiona gravemente a mão e culpa-se por ter encetado um desafio tolo com um modelo num ginásio.
나 로한이 손을 다쳤다. 만화가로서 이런 불찰이 어디 있겠는가, 진심으로 반성한다. 다친 이유? 내 경쟁심과 자만 때문이다. 하필이면 그게 헬스장에서 발동되는 바람에...