Yuan Shao in the headquaters, waitting for a report. In just a few hours, the Wu's camp was underattack until Sun Jian and his main camp was fallen. Sun Jian yell on Yuan Shao's massenger, and said "Since Yuan Shao fails me, tell your General that I will take his head in 5 days!". Wu's camp was ceased, but General Yuan Shao can't even manage the food supply for the Wu Army. Cao Cao appears later, he told Yuan Shao for not letting other General knows that the Wu army was fallen, Cao Cao affraid that the other soldiers might lose their battle morale. And so the next meeting appears with the whole other Prime Minister.
제후들은 동탁군이 코앞까지 쳐들어왔는데도 자신의 이익을 위해 진흙탕 싸움을 벌이고, 이에 염증을 느낀 유비 삼형제는 떠나기로 한다. 때마침 홀로 진류성을 찾아 도발하는 여포. 장비는 단숨에 뛰어나가 기선을 제압하고 유비 삼형제의 무용에 놀란 여포는 도망치고 만다. 동탁은 동맹군에게 패한 후 낙양을 불태우고 장안으로 천도하는데......
袁術面對袁紹的斥問,道出了自己的“深謀遠慮”。 言未盡,敗報已至:孫堅折兵損將,孤軍大敗。 董卓親率西涼大軍前來征討,董軍大將呂布接連斬殺了數員盟軍大將,一時無人敢應戰。 張飛大喝一聲單挑呂布,關張二人也相繼加入,三英戰呂布。 各路諸侯趁勢麾軍殺向董卓。 京都洛陽,董卓欲挾天子遷都長安,百官噤若寒蟬,恐懼無言。 與此同時,曹操與孫堅力勸袁紹率軍追殺董卓,一舉殲滅巨賊。