Soon as they arrived, Yuan Shao greet on Cao Cao alone and they take a seat. But Zhang Fei was anger to Yuan Shao and the other Prime Minister for not greet any response to their leader, Liu Bei. What ever other Prime Minister said to look down upon Liu Bei, Zhang Fei was anger, Guan Yu negate over Zhang Fei to draw the sword for not causing any trouble in the Headquaters(HQ). So, the seat was full, Yuan Shao ordered his army to place a new seat for Liu Bei, while his brothers stand besides. Then, the Prime Minister prepare for briefing from Cao Cao battle plan. As the battle morale started, Yuan Shao, send his first great officers for the single calvary battle on Dong Zhuo's Officer, Hua Xiong.
화웅의 도발에 꼼짝도 못하던 동맹군. 관우가 단칼에 화웅의 목을 베자 원소도 유비 삼형제를 달리 보고 유비를 제19로 장군으로 임명한다.
화웅이 패하자 동탁은 전군을 끌고 직접 동맹군 토벌에 나선다. 조조는 유비와 대화를 나누던 중 남다른 포부에 두려움을 느끼는데......
就在曹操在大堂佈置剿董方略的時候,華雄已斬殺盟軍兩員大將。 就在大家束手無策的時候,關羽慨然應戰。 關羽溫酒斬華雄,令眾諸侯刮目相看。 袁紹大喜,頒令劉備為增設的第十九鎮統兵將軍。 然而,袁紹之弟袁術對已經許諾給劉備的兵馬糧餉百般推脫,令三兄弟沮喪。 帳外,曹操率曹仁帶十餘車糧草酒肉慰勞劉備。 宴席之上,曹劉對話顯示出了二人對天下、人生的巨大分歧。 此時,袁紹在營帳急怒攻心,原來盟軍先鋒孫堅正奉命猛攻洛陽,而糧草總督袁術卻暗中斷了孫堅的糧餉兵援。