What's the fastest way to board passengers onto an airplane? To find out, This vs That assembled 72 people, a 757, an Astro-Physicist, and for reasons yet to be determined, a guy who makes ham sandwiches with his feet. If you think charcoal is a filthy pain-in-the-ass, then you've got two alternate BBQ fuel choices: propane or natural gas. Only, they're not the same. One is much hotter. We could just tell you, but then you'd miss out on seeing us explode giant cans of baked beans. Ain't science awesome?
If you survive an airplane crash or ditching, which flotation device is more likely to save your life? This vs That assembled an expert on emergency survival, plus Ben Bostic, a passenger on US Air Flight 1549 and 25 "lab rats" to test the seat cushion and life vest in emergency situations. Plus, we give our intern, Travis, hypothermia. Also, which is the best way to make popcorn?
74% of Americans spend 6 minutes a day obsessing over the fastest way to maneuver through traffic, stay in your lane or weave in and out, according to a government statistic we made up. To find the answer though, we assembled 3 stretch limos, a rock band, two drag queens and the worst highway intersection in the nation, responsible for 28 million hours of delays every year. Also, which is the best way to remove stains from a carpet?
Which is the best roof to have if you live in a hurricane zone? Which casino game has the biggest odds of winning?
Have you heard that a hybrid car will save you money, reduce dependence on foreign oil and save the environment? If so, you must see the race where we pitted the Toyota Prius and Honda Accord (hybrids) against the Chevy Aveo and Smart Car (combustion engine). They raced the same distance at the same speed. Then, we recorded their gas consumption. Dear Whole Foods, some days I don't have time to save the world. I just need to run in and pick up a tub of hummos. And while the environmentally conscious have woken the rest of the nation up to this fact: we are running out of natural resources, one question remains unanswered: Paper or Plastic? We investigate.
It's a question that's plagued man since 1837, the year a British crack-pot failed to train the first "seeing eye cat" for the blind King. Though most of the previous was BS, the question remains: who's smarter, dogs or cats? Supervised by a UCLA animal behaviorist, we answer the question... and piss off 50% of our audience. Uh, yeah. Sorry 'bout that. Also, what is the best way to clean blood out of a carpet?