We find Mildred walking through the forest on the first day of school, trying to find her way so she can make it on time. Ethel (who can already fly a broomstick) flies up behind her, and taunts her, reminding her that she wouldn't want to be late on the first day. Mildred accidentally hits Ethel in the face with a tree branch, though Ethel thought she did it on purpose. When Mildred arrives at the school (late), the gate is locked and so she has to try and fly over it on her broom, crashes horribly, breaking her broomstick and making a rather poor introduction for herself. Maud takes a liking to Mildred and decides to help her pass the upcoming broomstick-flying test, and she needs the help considering she's scared of heights (and the dark!). A virtual reality broomstick flying training machine arrives at school, and so Mildred, Maud, Jadu and Ruby sneak down in the middle of the night to practice.
Mildred and her friends can hardly stand the food they're given to eat at lunch, and she gets caught trying to dump it in the garbage bin by Miss Hardbroom (by spilling it all over her!) Miss Hardbroom of course takes the issue to Miss Cackle, who decides that she should eat whatever the girls are given to eat. Mildred finds herself in the kitchen, and finds out that the cook is able to make incredibly good food (including pizza!) but isn't allowed to because of school policy. Miss Cackle decides that the food the girls are getting is barely edible, and so sneaks down to the kitchen at night to have some pizza herself. In the end, Miss Cackle declares Saturday to be 'pizza day' and Mildred is applauded as a hero by the other girls.
The witches' cats arrive, but they're one short.... The caretaker's nephew, Charlie, visits the academy, but he doesn't believe that the witches are real.... Mildred ends up turning Ethel into a pig, which was bad enough, but it was suppose to have been a frog! Ethel then gets mistaken for an escaped pig from the local farm so she is taken there. The only person who knows the reversal spell is Charlie so he and Mildred rush to the farm to save Ethel. When they find her, Charlie casts the spell, but it ends up making Ethel go a little quackers....
This is the first of a two-parter. Mildred fails a potion test, she was supposed to have made a laughing potion but instead, because she believed the potion should have been green, she ends up making an invisibility potion. She is sent to Miss Cackle to explain. Mildred then decides that it's time to buck her ideas up and to make an effort to improve, which she does by passing the following potion test successfully. For the upcoming Hallowe'en celebrations, Mildred's class has been asked to put on a broomstick display. However, only one of them actually has to fly in it, and Mildred is the one who is chosen. Her broom, which was damaged during her crash landing on her first day, isn't up to the job, so Ethel lends Mildred hers, but she has evil intentions. At the display itself, Mildred crashes into the Grand Wizard, but it wasn't her fault! Ethel had instructed her broom to make Mildred look stupid deliberately...
Mildred finds that not all of the witches in town are from the academy, some evil ones have shown up and are planning to take over the academy by turning everyone into frogs whilst they're asleep. They discover her and they cast a spell on her making her unable to move. When they're gone, Miss Drill comes to help her.
It's the start of the summer term, and it begins with Mildred having a dream that she is being put on trial for being the worst witch. A new girl, Enid Nightshade, joins the academy, and Mildred is asked to show her around. However, this leaves little time for Mildred to spend with Maud. Enid ends up getting Mildred into all sorts of trouble. Then Mildred discovers a monkey coming from Enid's room. It turns out that the monkey is really a bit of a pussycat....
Mildred is warned that if she doesn't behave, she may not be allowed to go on the half term trip. Mildred does her very best to behave. No one believes she can manage it. On the last day before the trip, Mildred feels that she can do it. It's also Miss Cackle's birthday. Just before they enter the hall for the celebrations, Enid drags Mildred into a cupboard and Ethel locks the door. Mildred is upset, as she now believes that she won't be going on the trip after all. They see a window from which they might be able to escape, but it's too high. They find an old broomstick and decide to fly out. The window ends up leading straight to the hall where the birthday celebrations are taking place!
Mildred and the girls are forced into the woods by Miss Drill and Miss Hardbroom for their half term trip. Arriving at their campsite, they find it occupied by Rocky Mountain Rangers, with whom they share it. The two groups also share in each other's activities. Although the trip is intended to be magic free, Ethel's evil heart once again forces Mildred's friends to fight back, and chaos ensues....
Miss Hardbroom and Miss Bat have a falling out. Miss Cackle magics up a drink for the witches, and then sets them the task of recreating the drink, but they aren't allowed to use magic. The witches try everything of which they can think, even cheese! Eventually, Ethel and Drusilla decide not to work with the others and try to do it by themselves, but using magic. The others wonder whether or not flowers could be used to make the drink. With the help of Miss. Bat they find that they can and proceed to make the delicious drink! But, the night before the tasting, Ethel and Drusilla put something hot into the others drink.... On the day of the testing, the drink made by Mildred and her friends doesn't go down to well. However, Ethel's and Drusilla's does go up quite well, with a little help of the Dr. Foster effect.
Mildred is looking after 'Bonzo', who is Ruby's cyberpet (well, at least it isn't one of those ruddy Tamagotchis!). After the potion lab is destroyed, Bonzo goes missing.... Ethel's dad, who's on the board of directors, visits the academy, and convinces the teachers to set up a computer system. Bonzo makes his return, but he has been affected by magic as a result of the potion lab's destruction.... Bonzo connects up to the computer system and uses it to hypnotize everyone to try and help him take over the world when the system is connected to the net.... Mildred, with some help from a third year, are able to break Miss Hardbroom from the spell who then proceeds to defeat Bonzo just in time!
After being foiled in a plot to steal sweets from Mildred and her friends, Ethel decides to lure them to an out-of-bounds tea room in the woods to get even. The girls meet a nature-loving businessman named Sam, who has trouble standing up to his overbearing boss. Meanwhile, Miss Cackle is already at the tearoom, but she can't let Miss Hardbroom find her.... When they find out about Sam's role in a web of deceit to swindle the tearoom's owner out of her land, they also find out that his boss is planning to build a polluting factory on the land! They then help Sam stand up to his boss by driving Sam barking mad. And after avoiding the wrath of Miss Hardbroom they gorge themselves on sweets!
The Grand Wizard visits the academy to give a lecture, and he's accompanied by three trainee wizards, one of whom, ""Loppy Luggs"", could be described as the Worst Wizard.... The trainee wizards decide to make their visit into a boys vs girls affair.... During the lecture they cast a spell which makes some of the girls raise their hands but then become unable to speak. Mildred ends up firing a rubber from a ruler, which hits the Grand Wizard's head! She is then sent to her room.... The teachers organize a debate between the wizards and witches to find out who is better. The wizards get Loppy to make a potion which will give them an unfair advantage.... Mildred finds that she's left her potion book in the potion lab and so goes there to get it. There she finds Loppy, who is really called Merlin.... She finds out from him what the wizards are up to. The potion they made helps them to speak more confidently! She takes some of the potion and enters the hall where the debate is tak
It's the end of the year for the student witches, and Mildred's incantations still don't seem to work as well as intended. To cure a case of hay fever brought on by one of Mildred's errors (""Exfoliatus!"" ""A CHOO!"") the other teachers give Miss Cackle what they assume to be a remedy potion, but which is in fact a mislabeled experiment of Miss Hardbroom's. The other teachers make no mention of the mishap, even when Miss Cackle's behaviour takes a turn for the malicious. It is Mildred and company, however, who realize that it is not Miss Cackle, but her evil twin back to cause more trouble. Mildred saves the day, for which she earns a raise in her final grade from C-- to A+.
A New Term Begins At Cackles Witch Academy with new withes, potions, spells, excitement , action and comedy. New Girls Sybil Hallow and Clarice Crow are two deceiving friends. Sybil Hallow is Ethel Hallows sister but Ethel's tells Sybil not to tell anyone but Sybil's identity doesn't keep a secret for long. meanwhile Mil red Hubble meets up with her friends Maud, Enid, Ruby, Shadu, Finny And Gris. This Episode Is one of the best episodes of The Worst Witch.
In response to Miss Cackle's request for a new alarm system, Frank Blossom builds one. When he comes to demonstrate it he suggests that everyone covers their eyes as it could get quite loud. The alarm is activated and the academy is filled with deafening...silence! The alarm appears to have a malfunction.... Later, in potions class, the second years are learning about finger sparks. Whilst applying the potion to their fingers Mildred gets distracted by Sybil who is outside the window having difficulty flying. Mildred spills far too much off the potion onto her hands! When it comes to her turn to practice her finger sparks she blasts a hole in the blackboard! Sybil has failed her broomstick test! But she has been told that she can retake it as many times as she needs to until she pasts, even though students are usually expelled if they fail the broomstick test! Ethel has been told to give her lessons. During lunch Enid decides to try the ""Semolina Bowl Trick"". When Miss H
At the beginning of the show we find Mildred telling everyone how Miss Hardbroom changes people into frogs and that there is a girl in the pond that HB changed into a frog. Later Mildred gets into another fight with Ethel. Ethel takes revenge on her by turning her into a frog. HB finds frog-Mildred and carries her around in her purse for a while and then puts her in a jar during potions class. Mildred escapes and gets out to the pond. She meets the frog in the pond who actually turns out to be a wizard turned into a frog by a rival wizard. She promises to get him turned back. Mildred's friends find her and get Ethel to turn her back and then Mildred has to convince HB that she was actually a frog. Both Mildred and Ethel are told they are not allowed to go to the upcoming wizard's class.
Now that Millie is human again she has not forgotten that she met the wizard Algenon. A prominent wizard comes to the school for a lecture. Millie and Ethel are banned as punishment for their feuding. Millie tries to convince her friends to switch places with her or at least take her frog to the lecture so that he can change her frog back to a wizard. When they won't do that Mildred tricks Drizzila into coming into her room and then ties her up and takes her place in the Great Hall where the lecture is being taken. Ethel finds Drizzila tied up in Millie's room and they rush down to the Great Hall to catch Mildred red handed. They burst in when the wizard is trying to teach Maude a new spell and tell on her. She is forced to confess why she came to the great hall. She gets her frog turned back into a human. When asked what she wants as a reward she asks for crumpets since her frog wizard told her that he missed that the most.
This episode starts at a committee meeting where they talk about how many witch schools are failing and that they are going to send an inspector to the school. At the school the first scene is of shelf falling on the floor after Mildred sets an empty beaker on it. One of the full beakers on the shelf has a strong hiccuping potion that sets the whole class hiccuping. When the class is over Mildred and her friends run into Sybil Halloway (Ethel's sister) on their way out of the class. Turns out Sybil is completely infatuated by Mildred since Mildred was the only one who was kind to her when she first arrived. However her hero worship makes Ethel mad and gives Mildred the creeps. When the teachers learn that they are getting inspected they panic after HB informs them that the inspector they are getting is the worst one there is.(""Be afraid, be very afraid"") HB was a student of hers and labels her as the most demanding and tyrannical teacher ever. The teachers go into a frenzy tryi
It's deathly cold at the school as the girls return from vacation. Since no one on the staff feels like lighting a fire, the girls start running laps up and down the stairs when who sould arrive but Rowan-Webb, Helliobore and his three stuges (Gary, Basel and Loppy). Hellibore (a bit put out that Rowan-Webb started a snowball fight with him) imediatly lights a fire for everyone to warm up by.Thinking this to be the end of the interruptions, the teachers let it go until Rowan-Webb gets the bright idea to put his showey title to good use and declare an upside-down day. Everyone who's not a student (including Hellibore and excepting Rowan-Webb) is disgusted. But never the less, they all go along with it. Basel and Gary are assigned to organize games in the great hall, and Fenella and Griselda are assigned to teach a potions class full of teachers. Of course, Bas and Gary's idea of a fun game is a version of hot potatoe where the box they're passing always explodes on eithor Loppy or Mildr
The start of the show has HB and Miss Cackle telling Mildred that she can't keep Tabby and that she must change Tabby for a regular witch's cat. After Mildred leaves Miss C tells HB that she has to go with them on retreat because Cackle is sure that HB is going to burn out. The witches get ready to leave on their trip and have to go get their cats. Mildred switches her new cat, Ebony out for Tabby. On their trip their Tabby (who doesn't like flying) starts yowling. At the retreat (they go to visit the wizard that Mildred helped change back from a frog) they find Loppy there as a wizard's apprentice. The wizard tells them about the history of his and how a dragon lord then a powerful wizard lives there. Later in her room Mildred goes for a walk trying to find a place to let Tabby out so that no one will see her and know that Mildred switched places. She finds Loppy practicing magic and tells him about switching Ebony for Tabby. So they go and hide Tabby down by the dock because i
Mildred borrows HB's broomstick, planning to bring it back before her teacher finds out, and starts off after the boat. She lands and sees Miss Hardbroom sprawled on the deck. Tying off the broom, she orders it to pull them back, but the rope breaks when the boat fetches up on some rocks, and the broom sails away into the distance. Meanwhile, Merlin's practicing his magic in the cave again when he hears a voice in the rocks. He unwittingly frees a very angry dragon lord, who's convinced that Rowan-Webb stoled his treasure and sets off for the house with Merlin in tow. The rest of the students are grudgingly reading a balad about the very same dragon lord, when Drusilla asks to be excused. Seeing her oportunity, Maud follows her and corners her demanding to know where Mildred is. Just then, the dragon lord arrives and traps everyone except Maud and Drusilla in the living room. Miss Cackle and Algernon try to talk some sense into him, but he simply grows more adgitated. Learning the whol
The show starts with Miss Batt bringing the first years back from a field trip where Sybill has gotten chased by a bull and stung by hornets. The first years are hating life under Miss Batt and Miss Drill. The girls, begging to do something quiet are allowed to have cooking lessons. Claris and Sybil make a dancing potion for the students more energy but the teachers get it instead. Claris and Sybil get punished. Sybil tells Claris how she never wanted to be a witch, she wanted to be a computer expert like her father but was made to come to Cackles since all the Hallow girls go to Cackles. She complains how she never gets anything she wants. To cheer her up Claris gets permission to make an everlasting source of light. What she is *really* doing is making a magic lamp for Sybil. Sybil starts wishing for all kinds of things. She won't stop wishing and the power the lamp is using is drawing from the castle itself. It starts pulling the castle apart, breaking dishes, decomposing fo
Charlie Blossom makes his illustrious return to Cackles and is instantly greeted by the flying Fenella and Griselda. He tells his uncle that he wishes he could go to witch school so that he could learn to fly. Frank helplessly promisses to ask Miss Cackle if hecan enroll. Miss Cackle, being swayed by Charlie's claim that her school was the best in the world, decides to let him write an enterance exam created by Miss Hardbroom (whom Charlie's decided he likes). Since Charlie's worst subject is math, HB naturally chooses to test him on that. He's doing terribly and she leaves the room, sure that he'll fail. Enid and Mildred take the oportunity to magic his test, but Mildred casts the wrong spell and the answers keep multiplying. Mildred tries to stop them with another messed-up spell, and the numbers leap off the page and float around the room. The numbers from Miss Drill's sports day results do the same and Miss Hardbroom returns to the testing room just in time to hear Mildred sugest t
As the hot weather sets in again, the students get distracted and Ethel decides it would be a funny joke to cast a spell on Mildred and her friends to make them cause a ruckus in class. Miss Hardbroom complains about their inattentiveness at the next staff meeting, and Miss Drill suggests that they start a basketball team as an extracuricular activity. So, willing or not, the second years are brought outside and informed that they're a basketball team. ""I have no problem with team work, as long as I'm not on the same team as them,"" Ethel complains. Alas, everyone's on the same team and they retreat to the great hall to practice. For once, Mildred's not the worst. Ethel couldn't bounce a basketball to save her life, (Ethel: What do you lot think you're laughing at? Drusilla: They're laughing at you, Ethel) and everyone has a good chuckle at her until she magics the ball and shows them all up. At that point, Miss Drill makes strict rules about not using magic in basketball games. She als
In second term all the witches at Cackles have to pass a potion exam. Mildred is trying to study for hers in the greenhouse with Mr. Blossom (even Blossom knows her potions better than her), while he feeds his plants tea leaves. Meanwhile, a farmer from the town comes to the academy. Miss Cackle premtively apologises for scaring the cows, but it turns out that he only wants to host the vedgetable show at Cackle's. For the good of the academy, they agree, and the man sneaks out to the greenhouse, and has an altercation with Mr. Blossom about who's going to win the marrow growing contest. Later on, Mildred and her friends are practicing for their test, but the only way she can remember the ingrediants is to sing them, but Miss Hardbroom tells them to shut up and informs them that they can't practice any extra curricular magic. Ethel gets a wonderful idea and sneaks out to the greenhouse with Drusilla. She pours a sticky potion on the ground and they watch as the farmer comes back and dra
Milldred and her friends are decorating the enterance way for the arrival of their special guest, Amanda Honeydew, an ex student of Cackle's academy who failed all her exams and dropped out, but made a career as a pop singer. She's arriving for the Millenium celebration of the school. Miss Hardbroom apears and demands to know what they're doing. They explain that Mr. Hallow told them to, and she storms off. When Mildred and her friends return to their spot, they see that Ethel and Drusilla have claimed it for their presentation. Not to be outdone, they decide to move to the dungeons and show someone getting their head cut off. Miss Bat is upset that the singing of Fenella, Griselda and Clarice sounds nothing like the Spell Girls Cd, and the other three blame Sybil, who refuses to play her clarinet for them after that. Meanwhile, Miss Hardbroom locates Miss Cackle, who's standing on her desk preforming a musical. ""I have something to tell you,"" begins Miss Cackle, but she's interrupted
Welcome to the third season, which starts off with Mildred and her friends looking very snazzy and dancing in one of the classrooms. Miss Drill walks in and doesn't stop them (she thinks it's as neat as the rest of us do) but then Miss Hardbroom shows up and tells everybody off. Meanwhile, Miss Bat has been replaced by Miss Crochet, the new chanting teacher, with some sort of weird musical device that she can't play properly. It sounds like a squashed bagpipe. Miss Drill, by now, comes to Miss Cackle, complaining that Miss Hardbroom has ""gone too far"" this time. She wants to leave and go work at the adventure center with her BOYFRIEND Serge. Miss Hardbroom, on the other hand, complains to Miss Cackle that ""Mildred and Friends"" need to be ""squashed"" before they get out of hand. Miss Cackle suggests making them members of the Cauldron Club, of which Miss Hardbroom is honorary lifetime president. Miss Hardbroom balks at the idea, but promises to discuss it with the current head Cauldronit
Ms. Cosey, who we all remember from Let Them Eat Cake, has been taken ill, and Miss Cackle, benevolent soul that she is, sends Mildred, Maud, Ethel and Drusilla to help her out for the weekend. For the very same weekend, the rest of the third years are subjected to Miss Drill's outdoor survival training (which involves face paint, and lots of running). Ethel, being Ethel, takes charge of everyone as soon as they arrive at the tearoom (Ms. Cosey has popped off to see the doctor) and everyone grumbles about how she's not pitching in to help clean up. Ethel gets to talking with Drusilla, and they discuss how stupid looking to tearoom is. Ethel blasts it (you're not supposed to use magic in the tearoom, donchaknow) and makes it look really cool. Then she blasts her classmates and makes them look really cool (and they do look very nice). All of that is just in time for a group of Japanese tourists to show up at the door. Miss Hardbroom, meanwhile, lures Miss Cackle off in the direction of t
Ruby, in all her technoness is repairing an old pinball machine that she swiped from Mr. Blossom's garbage. Just as she finishes, Fenella and Griselda arrive with a way to set an alarm in DOBS so that they know when someone shows up. They set the alarm, and Miss Drill sets it off, coming to ask for volunteers to climb a ""steep hill"" with her. Everyone buries their faces in their books until she mentions that they can stop off at Coseys on the way back. Miss Hardbroom, as usual, thinks Miss Drill's idea is really stupid, but Miss Cackle decides she wants to go along. ""But it's a hill,"" explains Miss Drill, ""a steep hill."" ""I am familiar with hills."" And that's that. Miss Cackle dresses up like some sort of poorly coordinated mountain climber, gets herself a flag, and makes an even more embarrassing display than Miss Drill is known to make, leading the girls off to the mountain. Fenny and Gris stay behind because they have a history project to research on how Lucy Fairweather (if you rem
Ruby is fixing up a radio in DOBS so that everyone can listen to The Witchy Hour hosted by Icey Stevens, who, apparently, looks really hot. The undefeated champions are Pentangles, and Mildred cheers for them (even though they're the academy's rivals) because it ""wouldn't be any fun"" if nobody cheered for them. At the end of the program, Miss Drill shows up and Mildred accidentally turns her into a dog. (She's reciting the spell for turning someone into a sausage dog, and accidentally gets Miss Drill). Icey draws the name of the next academy to appear on the show and it's... Cackles! Surprise! It turns out Mildred and Jadu entered their school as a joke. Miss Hardbroom and Miss Cackle look over Pentangles new brochure which ""must have cost a fortune"", right before they find out that they're about to be on a radio program. Miss Hardbroom (who seems to be taking the whole thing with Pentangles very personally) is even more enraged than usual. Unfortunately, before they can decide what's
It's potions class and Drusilla turns into a tree. Ethel points out that the dangers of turning into a tree include getting chopped down, woodpeckers, etc... Miss Hardbroom asks how they would be able to tell which tree Drusilla was if they were in a forest. Mildred says she'd be the one that dropped a branch on them. HB doesn't think that's funny, and makes Mildred drink her tree-turning-into potion next. Mildred turns into something ""prickly and annoying"". HB tells the class that they're getting a student teacher from Weird Sister's College named Gabrielle Gribble. Not too long later, the staff discuss the new student teacher, and Miss Cackle says that Gabrielle's last assignment didn't go too well, and that, as a favor to the college, they're letting her have another go at Cackles. Miss Crotchet gracefully moves so that Miss Gribble can have the broken chair. Gribble arrives, and everyone but Miss Hardbroom leaves (because the bell rings). Gribble's late because of the up draft outs
Mildred shows up with a big wad of old rotten gum that she's been sticking under her bed every night. Enid's happy about this. She pours a pink potion all over it and explains to the others that she and Mildred have been working on a way to give gum back it's flavor. Enid hands Mildred back the gum, and Mildred tastes it, proclaiming that it tastes just like new. Then she blows a bubble while Enid argues with everyone else about weather or not they're going to be allowed to submit that as their third year witch project. Eventually, Mildred's gum turns into one giant bubble, and escapes out the open door. Meanwhile, Miss Crotchet and Miss Drill walk under some third years (who are walking up the wall sans gravity) and Miss Drill just finishes saying how much she hates the third year witch project week when Mildred's bubble floats in and bursts on her. Miss Cackle and Miss Hardbroom tell everyone off for using their disgusting, banned bubble gum in a project, and tell Mildred and Enid th
Miss Cackle's off to visit her sickly auntie Gertrude (maybe not Gertrude, but I think that was her name) and for some reason, Mr. Hallow (who looks really, really a lot older than he did before) is there to help see her off. He sticks his nose in where it doesn't belong and suggests finding someone to be a temporary replacement, ""a witch between jobs to fill in"". Because they're very polite, Cackle and HB agree. Ruby has invented a machine that somehow allows you to travel from one place to the other without having to walk there - sort of the way HB disappears and reappears. This involves wearing a cooky headband and having Ruby push all sorts of buttons on a gizmo. It doesn't work properly, and it makes Mildred disappear and reappear all around the room really, really fast. Ethel catches up with her father and has a pow wow with him in the hallway. He explains that he was having trouble finding someone, but then he thought of the perfect person, tracked her down by phone, and she was
Hellibore arrives at Cackles for a Christmas Pantomime, which he loaned out Dragonsbane and Grailquest for. Backstage, everything's falling apart. Miss Hardbroom (in a strange little white dress) has been cast by Miss Crotchet as the fairy godmother. ""I'm just not that kind of witch!"" Crotchet explains that the point is to cast people against character. Mildred can't remember any of her lines, she has terrible stage fright, and Ethel's chopping at the bit to take her place. Crotchet tells Mildred that the fact she doesn't want to be Cinderella is exactly what makes her perfect for the part. Ruby's rigged up some sort of lighting device with a potion. Drill is stage manager, Charlie is assistant stage manager, and some sort of lightening shoots out of the lighting device and fries the pumpkin. Curtain is very soon, and Maud shows up to tell Drill that the ugly stepsisters are on strike. Meanwhile, Hellibore's reading the program and he's quite befuddled. He thinks that Pantomime is mime
Lynn Lamplighter, an artist who lived in the village near Cackle's, is coming to the school for Art Week, and it's all terribly exciting. Of course, there's one person who's angry about it; Ethel. She comes stomping up the hall with Drusilla and they make some uncalled for remarks to Mildred, who's sitting on the stairs minding her own business. They make fun of Maud too, until Mildred hits Ethel with a blob of green slime. Maud and Mildred run upstairs with Ethel and Drusilla chasing after them. They run back down again, with Ethel and Drusilla hurling slime at them. Mildred ducks into the room with Lamplighter in it, and the artist is mistakenly slimed. HB doesn't think having the artist show up is a good idea either, and she doesn't like Lamplighter's pants. Cackle says that she promised everyone would take part. The third years and the staff listen to Miss Lamplighter talk about art for a while. She asks HB what her favorite color is, ""Black"" and they talk about weather it's actual
The academy is all desolate and deserted. The only person who seems to be about is Miss Drill, and she's trying to set up a volleyball court in the courtyard. She looks up and sees everyone else returning on broomsticks. The three teachers land, but no one even bothers to say hello to her. She shakes it off and talks to Mildred and her friends, and asks about their trip to Miss Blackcat's something or other. They all talk about how amazing it was, with the potions and the spells and the broomstick displays and then they say she should have come. She says she would have liked to, but that she had things to do at the academy. Miss Cackle shows up just then and says hello and how do you do and things like that. Miss Drill mentions her volleyball tournament and Miss Cackles makes that ""Oh, yeah..."" face one makes when they've forgotten something and says, ""I need to talk to you about that."" Then she tells everybody that Miss Blackcat is coming to do a presentation on Friday, and that she's
Everybody arrives at Camelot College (a wizard school). Just as they're about to land, Mildred crashes her broom into a tree. Bars and Gars watch her through a telescope and pretend they're airport control. They call HB the secret weapon when they see her. ""All is not well, mon capitain!"" Everyone runs over to see if Mildred's all right. She is. Cackle says that it's a good thing Mildred landed prematurely, because it reminded her that you should always greet wizards on foot. ""We witches sometimes have a clear advantage. Wizards aren't so good at flying."" They walk up to the castle and Hellibore makes an ostentatious entrance, calling his pupils forth and making them recite a lame poem that they all look suitably embarrassed to recite (particularly the ones that look to be nineteen or so??). Mildred and co. notice Charlie standing in their midst. They talk to him inside, and he explains, ""Miss Cackle knew how much I wanted to be a witch... I mean, wizard."" So she wrote to Hellibore and
Miss Crotchet and her choir get back from some music contest type thing where they won a silver cup for best unaccompanied chorus. Miss Drill's very happy for them. Crotchet explains that Griselda and Sybil filled in for Enid and Mildred. Clarice is sick. Fenella and Griselda tell Miss Drill that there was a professor from Vienna at the contest who was quite taken with Miss Crotchet. Crotchet brushes it off, ""It's just the girls having a bit of fun. You know how excitable they are."" She's wandering around singing and making a spectacle of herself the next day. Just then, who should show up but Professor Von whatever his name was. He comes into the school and invites the choir to give a performance in Vienna. Clarice doesn't hear properly because she has cotton in her ears. The Professor has lunch with Miss Crotchet and Miss Drill. Fenny and Gris show up and say that there isn't anything to eat, because Ms. Tapioca is on holiday or something. They have a plate of bananas or something. T
The third years are writing their last exam and Mildred is drawing a picture of Miss Hardbroom (an unflattering one) while she waits for the exam to end. It does, and they all sing, and dance and throw magical confetti. ""Last one, last one, last one!"" -- to the tune of ""three two, three two, three two!"" as sung by Baz and Gaz in the first season. Miss Drill thinks it's fun and they magic her some daisies. Miss Hardbroom shows up and tells them all off. Mildred and co. go back to DOBS where Fenella and Griselda are playing chess. They complain that it's not fair to keep them at school when all their exams are done. Fenny and Gris tell them that there's a fair in town, and they'll make sure no one notices if they skip off (only there's a British term for it that made me blink). They get dressed in normal clothes (they look so much better in normal person clothes) and go wandering off. HB and Drill argue about whether the display in the corridor (with the confetti and wot not) was all in
This episode starts where the last one left off. Mildred and Jadu follow HB down the hall and she puts them to work in a stuffy little room, copying pages out of old books. That's what suspended students do until their parents come and get them. Maud and Drusilla come to visit and tell them not to lose hope. Miss Drill complains to Miss Cackle some more about giving Mildred and Jadu the chop. She says Maud's running for head girl, and that her campaign platform is freeing Mildred and Jadu. Miss Hardbroom says that Ethel's going to win. Cackle hasn't mailed the letters to Mildred and Jadu's parents yet. Miss Hardbroom offers to, but Miss Drill says to hang onto them for a day and see how she feels about it later. They have a tug of war until Miss Cackle snatches them back. Drill and Crotchet want to make sure Miss Hardbroom doesn't fix the election, and they talk Cackle into magically locking up the ballet box. Mildred draws a drawing of prince Percy who fought a dragon (as they read wh