Der jetzige junge Kaiser hat sich in Li Hua, die Tochter des Edelmanns Chai, verliebt und möchte sie heiraten. Dadurch würde die Familie zu hohem Einfluß gelangen. Dies wiederum muss Kao Chiu unbedingt verhindern. Er stellt der Chai-Familie ein Ultimatum...
Evil Kao Chiu, aware that Lin Chung has left the safety of Liang Shan Po, discovers that Duke Chai Huang Chen has been appointed adviser in court etiquette. His nephew Chai Chin is a suspected Liang Shan Po sympathizer, and the Duke's daughter, Li Hua, is well-liked by the Emperor. Kao Chiu acts swiftly to protect his position, plotting the downfall of the Chai family. Chai Chin must kill Lin Chung, already in the capital city. Lin Chung, under the watchful eye of Shih Chin - the 'Tattooed Dragon' - and Hu San-Niang, must face Kao Chiu once more.