トッペイは別府博士の開発した『ヒューマンS』によって人間となった。この薬によって収容所に捕らえられていたバンパイヤたちは、みんな人間となって開放された。バンパイヤ委員会もようやく自分たちがロックにだまされていたのだと悟り、警察に自ら出頭する。それでようやく人間狩りの恐怖は終焉を迎えた。ロックはビルの屋上まで森村に追い詰められた。格闘の末、ふたりとも転落してしまい、森村は死亡する。しかしロックは? 彼の姿は弧島に潜む熱海博士の前に現われた。傷だらけのロックは博士に整形手術で自分を別人に変えてくれと依頼する。
Toppei turns into a man with the help of the drug called "Human S," which has been developed by Professor Beppu. This drug led to the release of all vampires being held in the concentration camp. The Vampire Committee finally learns that they have been deceived by Rock, and turn themselves in to the police. This at long last puts an end to the terrifying hunt. Rock is then cornered at the top of a building by Morimura. After a fight, the two fall from the building, and Morimura dies. But what about Rock? He later appears in front of Professor Atami, who is hiding away on a solitary island. Badly wounded, Rock asks Professor Atami to perform plastic surgery on him to make him into a totally different person.