Home / Series / The Tonight Show with Jay Leno / Aired Order / Season 18 / Episode 43

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sig Hansen, Laura Bell Bundy

Arnold Schwarzenegger may be Jay Leno's governor, but all those years in Hollywood make him fair game to tease on the his show. Leno mimicked the Governator's still-thick Austrian accent -- but Schwarzenegger had a couple decent comebacks for the host. "Still trying to do my accent? Ask the peeeple, I don't talk like dat," said Schwarzenegger, stressing his accent even more. "You're such an eediot," he said. "Your time as governor is up pretty soon," continued Leno. "Do you think you'll go back into acting -- er, being in movies?" The audience groaned. But Schwarzenegger replied: "Maybe [I will] do some work with some senior citizens like you."

  • Originally Aired April 29, 2010
  • Runtime 45 minutes
  • Network NBC
  • Created February 15, 2017 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified February 15, 2017 by
    Administrator admin
Name Type Role
Sig Hansen Guest Star
Laura Bell Bundy Guest Star
Arnold Schwarzenegger Guest Star