Basara, Mio und Zest versuchen, eine Horde Klone in die Flucht zu schlagen. Später sieht Basara, wie Zolgear von Lars getötet wird.
As Yuki fends off any enemy approaching the core, Basara, Mio and Zest soon fight against a horde of Zest's clones. The group arrives at the core and Zest offers herself as bait for Basara to kill the beast. In doing so, however, Basara protects Zest and disables the vital core with his Banishing Shift, thus killing the beast. As the girls recover, Basara witnesses Yahiro/Lars executing Zolgear. Back at their home, Zest places her loyalty to Basara. Greatly opposed to the fact of someone else stealing Mio's virginity, Basara and Mio engage in lovemaking until Basara stops mid-way, apologizing for forcing himself unto Mio. As Basara and Mio were about to kiss once more, Yuki interferes and steals Basara's lips and is accompanied by Zest. As Mio and Yuki argue over Basara, the latter runs to Maria and asks her to help him appease the two. Adding to the uproar, Maria lunges at Basara and kisses him. Shella and Zest were then put under the care of the demons from the moderate-faction. Meanwhile, word of Zolgear's death eventually reaches Demon Lord Leohart as he faces Jin Tōjō in his throne.
La magie de Zolgia s’affaiblit et la créature démoniaque renfermant son palais reprend maintenant sa forme originelle. Coincés dans le ventre de la bête, Basara et les autres tentent d’atteindre le centre vital de cet étrange monstre pour le détruire…
無限に増殖を重ね、やがて世界を飲み込むという魔界の第一級危険種。体内に捕らえられ、次元を遮蔽された刃更たちに残された選択肢は危険種の生命コアを完全消去すること。 柚希とゼストの力を借りながら、刃更と澪は生命コアへ向かう。この身に代えても家族を守るという刃更。 妹だって大事なお兄ちゃんを守りたいという澪。
조르기아의 마력 제어가 풀리자 바사라 일행은 마물의 몸 안에 갇힌 꼴이 된다. 제스트의 안내를 받아 생물의 핵으로 향하는 바사라. 그러나 그 접근이 쉽지만은 않았는데...
Basara e os outros finalmente derrotam Zolgia. O que isso quer dizer é que agora eles precisam voltar para suas vidas normais e se preparar para novos inimigos.
Basara y compañía se dirigen hacia el núcleo de la bestia con la ayuda de Zest para poder escapar. Mientras tanto, Takigawa se encargar de Zolgia.
Il gruppo resta intrappolato nel ventre della creatura più pericolosa del mondo dei demoni, una bestia in grado di moltiplicarsi infinite volte fino a divorare l'intero mondo. Trovandosi in una dimensione totalmente separata, l'unica opzione che resta a Basara e compagni è distruggere il nucleo vitale di questa pericolosa creatura.