Die Schlümpfe versuchen weiterhin in ihre eigene Zeit zurück zu kommen.
While trying to get the dinosaur back, the Smurfs get trapped in time when they lose the key's crystals. This episode was originally featured as a three-part episode and was later broken into two separately titled episodes when it was aired in syndication. Parts 1 and 2 were combined into a single episode, retaining the original title, while Part 3 became "Lost In The Ages".
Perdus dans la préhistoire, bousculés par les dinosaures géants, Les Schtroumpfs vont-ils retrouver les parents du bébé tricératops ?
Helemaal verloren gelopen in de prehistorie en bedreigd door dinosaurussen en mysterieuze grotbewoners, doen de Smurfen hun uiterste best om de ouders van de babydinosaurus te vinden.