Blíží se Den otců. Bart a Líza vymýšlejí, čím by svého otce uctili. Bart dárek koupí, ale Líza se rozhodne vyrobit jej sama. Ovšem Homer její úsilí vůbec neocení, ba naopak. Líza je nejdřív smutná, ale pak se rozhodne upoutat na sebe pozornost tím, že se stane chuligánkou. Ale když se Homer rozhodne kandidovat na starostu, Líza se nabídne, že mu pomůže.
Homer hat Streit mit Lisa. Daraufhin meldet er sich als Sicherheitssalamander, der bei Notfällen in der Schule einspringt. Bald steht er der ganzen Stadt bei und tritt als Lebensretter auf. Da Bürgermeister Quimby in Misskredit geraten ist, werden Neuwahlen angesetzt, zu denen sich auch Homer aufstellen lässt. Als Marge sein Salamanderkostüm wäscht, läuft dieses ein und platzt während der Wahlkampagne. Das Publikum buht ihn aus, aber Lisa ist stolz auf ihren Vater...
Homer is ready for everyone to shower him with gifts on Father’s Day and Marge and the kids go to the mall to obtain the presents. Lisa decides she is going to make something for her father, while Bart purchases the Leather Buddy multi-function knife. Lisa’s heartfelt gift doesn’t go over as well as Bart’s knife and Homer doesn’t immediately do anything to make Lisa feel any better. Bart sees a street sign with his name on it and the bullies entice him into stealing it. Homer makes a lame attempt at making up to Lisa. At school Lisa goes on a rampage. Citing her father as the cause, Principal Skinner and the school psychologist talk with Homer and Marge about what they can do to prevent Lisa from growing up to hate men. Homer becomes the school safety salamander. His initial pathetic attempts at safety don’t change her feelings for her father, until an accident at the intersection of Evergreen Terrace and the unsigned Bart Blvd. The safety salamander rescues all the victims of the accident and Homer is awarded the keycard to the city. Then the mayor comes under fire for the many disasters under his administration and it is decided that a recall election is going to be held. With a number of ridiculous candidates running, Lisa decides that her father, with his popularity as the safety salamander, would be the ideal choice. With Lisa as his campaign manager, everything is going well, until Marge washes his salamander suit. When it shrinks and tears apart is reveals the man underneath, whom nobody is interested in voting for, but at least Homer and Lisa strengthen their relationship. Finally when none of the candidates garner enough votes to take over as mayor, it’s business as usual in Springfield government.
Bartin pikku pilalla on tuhoisat seuraukset. Homer päättää pyrkiä avoimeksi jääneeseen Springfieldin pormestarin virkaan.
Alors que Lisa a mis tout son coeur dans la création d'un cadeau à l'occasion de la fête des pères, Homer reste indifférent face à cette preuve d'amour de sa fille, ce qui a pour conséquence de blesser terriblement Lisa. Quand il se rend compte de sa négligence, Homer va tenter de reconquérir le coeur de Lisa en occupant le rôle de responsable de la sécurité à l'école élémentaire dans un costume de salamandre géante. De son coté, Bart vole un panneau de nom de rue (Bart Boulevard) ce qui a pour conséquence de provoquer un énorme accident de la circulation durant lequel Homer sauvera plusieurs vies. La population de Springfield blâme le maire Quimby pour son incompétence et exige une nouvelle élection, l'occasion pour de nombreux citoyens plus incompétents les uns que les autres de se présenter et pour Homer de tester sa nouvelle popularité en se présentant au poste de maire dans son costume de salamandre...
Per la festa del papà, Lisa regala a Homer un album fatto da lei. Il regalo, però, non viene apprezzato, e la povera Lisa ci resta molto male.
O Dia do Pai aproxima-se e Homer espera ansioso pelos presentes dos seus filhos. Lisa quer fazer algo especial para o pai mas não se sai muito bem. Bart compra um canivete e Homer fica delirante. Lisa fica magoada e, para restabelecer a sua relação com a filha, Homer transforma-se numa espécie de super-herói que acaba por se candidatar ao cargo de Mayor.
Неумение Гомера принимать подарки по случаю «Дня отца» едва не оборачивается полным разрывом с дочерью, и незадачливому папаше приходится буквально встать на уши, чтобы восстановить отношения с Лизой.
Homero presta muy poca atención a un regalo del día del padre en el que Lisa había puesto mucho esfuerzo y ésta pierde la fe en su padre. Para recuperarla, el director Skinner sugiere que Homero se convierte en "la salamandra de seguridad", una mascota que se encarga de difundir mensajes sobre seguridad entre los escolares. Cuando Homero salva a los implicados en un choque múltiple provocado por Bart, se gana el favor de su hija y de la ciudad entera, que además fuerza elecciones anticipadas a las que se presenta Homero, con la ayuda de Lisa, junto a otros springfieldianos poco capacitados.
Homer está pronto para receber os presentes do dia dos pais, Marge e as crianças vão a compra dos presentes. Lisa decide que ela mesma vai fazer algo para seu pai, enquanto Barta compra a faca multi-função do Leather Buddy. O presente da Lisa não agrada tanto quanto o de Bart e Homer não faz o menor esforço para fazer Lisa se sentir melhor.
Homer hősiessége egy (Bart által okozott) vészhelyzetben oda vezet, hogy csatlakozzon a polgármesterségért induló sokasághoz, amikor Quimbyt visszahívják.
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